All abstracts by Jangmi Han in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Al-Mg Isotopic Study of Fine-Grained Refractory InclusionsHan J, Matsuda N, Liu M-C, Park C & Keller LP
(2022) Thermal History of Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates from the Kainsaz CO3.2 Chondrite
Han J, Park C & Brearley A
(2020) Microstructural Investigations of Igneous Rims on CB CAIs
Han J, Keller LP, Krot AN & Nagashima K
(2018) TEM Analyses of Novel Lunar Zircon Shock Microstructures
Crow C, Han J, Keller L & Moser D
(2016) Microstructural Investigations of Magnetite Plaquettes in Orgueil
Chan QHS, Han J & Zolensky M
(2016) Constraints on the Origin of a Type B CAI from the Vigarano CV3red Chondrite
Han J, Keller LP, Needham AW, Messenger S & Simon JI