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All abstracts by Won-Tak Joun in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Natural 222Rn to Trace the Artificially Injected CO2 Plume in Shallow Groundwater System
Kim J, Ha S-W, Joun W-T, Lee S-S & Lee K-K

(2023) Understanding the Transport Characteristics of Chemical Compounds Derived from a Natural Uranium Deposit Near the Lake
Joun W-T, Koh D-C, Kaown D, Kim J, Kim Y, Lee S-S & Lee K-K

(2023) Investigation of Natural and Anthropogenic Sulfur Origin in Groundwater of Granite Area Using Multi-Isotope and Radon Data
Kim J, Kim J, Joun W-T, Kaown D & Lee K-K

(2022) A Modified and Rapid Method for Single Well Push-Pull Test Using Inert Gas Tracers
Joun W-T, Ha S-W, Lee S, Do H-K, Jun S-C, Kim Y, Ju Y, Kim Y & Lee K-K

(2020) Development of on-Site pCO2 Analyzing System and Evaluation of its Applicability to Identify CO2 Intrusion into Groundwater
Ha S-W, Do H-K, Kang H-J, Joun W-T, Ju Y, Cho I-R, Lee S-S, Lee K-K & Yun S-T

(2016) Visualization Experiment of Dissolved CO2 Plume Transport in Shallow-Depth Groundwater Condition
Joun W-T, Kim H-H, Ha S-W, Lee S-S & Lee K-K

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