All abstracts by M. Lutfi Firdaus in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2008) Behaviors of Incompatible Elements in the Western North Pacific OceanFirdaus ML, Nakagawa Y, Norisuye K & Sohrin Y
(2008) Precise Mo Isotopic Analysis on Pacific and Antarctic Seawater
Nakagawa Y, Firdaus ML, Norisuye K, Sohrin Y, Irisawa K & Hirata T
(2007) Development of Chelate Resin Column Preconcentration Method for Precise Isotope Analysis of Mo in Seawater
Nakagawa Y, Firdaus ML, Norisuye K, Sohrin Y, Irisawa K & Hirata T
(2006) Determination and distribution of Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and W in the North Pacific Ocean
Firdaus ML, Norisuye K, Sato T, Urusihara S, Nakagawa Y & Sohrin Y