All abstracts by Jian-Qiang Liu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Rejuvenation of Ancient Enriched Reservoir in the Mantle Transition Zone and Generation of Intraplate High-Mg# AndesitesChen L, Liu J-Q, Zhao J, Wang X-J & Zeng G
(2019) Intraplate High-Mg Andesites as Melting Products of Recycled Crust from the Deep Mantle
Chen L-H, Liu J-Q, Hofmann A, Wang X-J, Zhong Y, Zeng G & Xie L-W
(2016) Melt-Rock Interactions on the Genesis of Potassic Basalts from Northeast China
Liu J-Q, Chen L-H, Zeng G, Wang X-J, Zhong Y & Yu X