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All abstracts by Travis Meador in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Rapid Analysis of Fungal Membrane Lipids and their Isotopic Composition by TMSH/TMAH Derivatization Pyrolysis Coupled GC-MS/IRMS Analysis
Jabinski S, de Melo Rangel W, Lorenc F & Meador T

(2021) The Unbalanced Fe and S Biogeochemical Budgets in the Ferruginous and Sulfate-Rich Waters of a Post-Mining Lake
Petrash DA, Valero A, Steenbergen I, Meador T, Jan J & Thomazo C

(2016) Assessing Abundance and Relevance of Bacterial Endospores in the Marine Subsurface
Wörmer L, Hoshino T, Viehweger B, Meador T, Gajendra N, Stern B, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U

(2016) Factors Controlling the Distribution of Microbial Lipids in Marine Subseafloor Sediments
Hinrichs K-U, Meador T, Buttigieg P-L, Teske A & Darclife T

(2016) Stable Isotope Probing Reveals the Preferential Growth of Branched GDGT Source Microorganisms Under Aerobic Conditions in Peat
Huguet A, Meador TB, Laggoun-Défarge F, Könneke M, Derenne S & Hinrichs K-U

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