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All abstracts by Horng-Sheng Mii in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) The Dual Tracer, 236U and 14C, Records in Coral Core in the Western Pacific
Chen J-M, Chiang H-W, Shen C-C, Chou Y-C, Yokoyama Y, Mii H-S, Hsin Y-C & Lin H-T(

(2016) Variability of the Western Pacific ITCZ over the Past Three Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
Liu Y, Lo L, Shi Z, Wei K-Y, Wu C-C, Mii H-S, Chuang C-K, Amakawa H & Shen C-C

(2016) Planktonic Foraminiferal Isotopic Composition: Sediment Trap Results from the South China Sea
Lin H-L, Chang Y-P, Yang Y, Ho S-H & Mii H-S

(2016) Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene Biochronology and Paleoceanographic Records of ODP 1115B in the Solomon Sea, Western Equatorial Pacific
Chuang C-K, Lo L, Wei K-Y, Mii H-S, Shen C-C, Chang Y-P & Lee M-Y

(2016) Absolute Dated Greenland Interstadials Recorded in Stalagmite from Southern Turkey
Baykara MO, Mii H-S, Huang CY, Wu C-C & Shen C-C

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