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All abstracts by Kenneth Nealson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Non-Methanogenic Archaeon within the Order Methanocellales in Highly Reduced Serpentinized Setting
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Chadwick GL, Kozuma A, Watanabe K, Inagaki F, Albertsen M, Nielsen PH & Nealson K

(2022) Microbial Siderophores Increase Olivine Dissolution Rates by Shunting Fe and Mg into Biomass
Lunstrum A, Van Den Berghe M, Bian X, John SG, West AJ & Nealson K

(2020) Characterizing the Mechanism of Extracellular Electron Transfer from Marine Sulfur Oxidizing Microbes Using High Throughput Genetic Techniques
Rowe A, Kamble N, Nealson K & El-Naggar M

(2019) Siderophore and Biofilm Synthesis: Effects on Nutrient Bioavailability and Silicate Dissolution
Van Den Berghe M, Nealson K & West J

(2016) Metabolic Diversity of Microorganisms Associated with Active Subsurface Serpentinization
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Marques J & Nealson K

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