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All abstracts by Christophe Snoeck in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Understanding Diet Through Combined Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotope Systematics in Archaeological Skeletal Remains
Gerritzen CT, Goderis S, James HF, Črešnar M, Leskovar T, Gruškovnjak L, Potočnik D, Ogrinc N & Snoeck C

(2023) Trace Element Determination in Ca-Heavy Matrices: Comparing ICP-MS Based Strategies and Protocols
Boonants T, Snoeck C, Gerritzen CT & Goderis S

(2023) Oceans of Data: Comparing the Sea Spray Effect on Bioavailable Strontium Across Islands
James HF, Gerritzen CT, Willmes M, Grün R, Courtaud P, Fabre M, Balasse M & Snoeck C

(2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P

(2017) Isotopic Variations in Bone Material during Burning
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Goderis S & Claeys P

(2016) Investigating Diagenetic Patterns Using δ18Op and δ18Oc in Bone and Tooth Apatite of Modern, Archaeological and Fossil Specimens
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Stein K & Claeys P

(2016) Isotopic and Trace Element Seasonality in Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves (Hippuritida): Tracing Cretaceous Seasonality
de Winter N, Snoeck C, Skelton P, Huck S & Claeys P

(2016) Multi-Proxy Analyses of Bioapatites – Implications for Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology and Bioarchaeology
Claeys P, de Winter N, Stein K & Snoeck C

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