The Geochemical Journal Award 2015
Awarded during plenary on Friday 21st AugustThe Geochemical Journal Award recognizes the most outstanding research paper published in the previous year as evaluated on the originality, quality and advancement of science, and particularly of geochemistry.

View recipient's web page
Citationist: Hisayoshi Yurimoto
Abstract: Glycine Oligomerization up to Triglycine by Shock Experiments Simulating Comet Impacts
Medal lecture in:
Session 22a in Panorama Hall on Wednesday 19th August 09:45 - 10:30
Citation: Haruna Sugahara is a postdoctoral researcher at Department of Biogeochemistry at Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). She completed her Ph.D. at Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Nagoya University, Japan. Her research interest is organic molecules in extraterrestrial materials, especially their link to the origins of life on the early Earth and other extraterrestrial bodies. Her current research is to clarify stable isotopic fractionation mechanisms of organic molecules in interstellar clouds and the early solar system.