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My Goldschmidt

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Patterson Medal (GS)

The Clair C. Patterson Award, recognises an innovative breakthrough of fundamental significance in environmental geochemistry, particularly in service of society, consisting of either a single outstanding contribution or a short series of papers published within the last decade. C.C. Patterson developed the uranium-lead dating method. Using lead and uranium isotopic data from the Canyon Diablo meteorite, he calculated an age for the Earth of 4.55 billion years. A figure far more accurate than those that existed at the time and one that has remained unchanged for over 50 years.

William H. Casey Awarded to: William H. Casey
Citationist: Tom Swaddle
Abstract: NMR Measurements on Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions to 2.0 GPa
Medal lecture in:
Session 17h in 313+314 on Friday 1st July 00:30 - 01:15

Citation: Professor Casey is interested in the reactions between water, rock and minerals. Many weathering phenomena involve reactions with water on mineral surfaces, something which can be mimicked in the laboratory by studying the aqueous chemistry of metal aquo clusters by heteronuclear NMR and MS. Other interests include crystal growth, general cluster chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, and chemistry from an environmental aspect.

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