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(2020) Applicability of Multi-Color Image Analysis for Quantifying the Fluorescein Concentration Profile in Low-Permeability Media

Kim C & Yang M


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13e: Room 4, Thursday 25th June 08:54 - 08:57

Changmin Kim
Minjune Yang View abstracts at 3 conferences in series

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Rolf Kipfer on Wednesday 24th June 16:34
Dear Changmin Kim Thanks for your (poster) contribution. Please, can you shortly comment on the advances of using different wave lengths channels than over using a single wave length to estimate Fluorescein transport in low-conductive media? Thanks and best regards - Rolf Kipfer (RoKi)

Submitted by Rolf Kipfer on Wednesday 24th June 16:38
Dear Changmin Kim Thanks for your (poster) contribution. Please, can you shortly comment on the advances of using different wave lengths channels than over using a single wave length to estimate Fluorescein transport in low-conductive media? Thanks and best regards - Rolf Kipfer (RoKi)

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