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(2020) Controls of Strontium and Lithium Isotope Spatial Variability Across the Yukon River Basin

Kang M, Brennan SR & Bataille CP


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13e: Room 4, Thursday 25th June 08:48 - 08:51

Myunghak Kang
Sean R. Brennan
Clément P. Bataille

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Neil Sturchio on Tuesday 23rd June 15:53
The Li isotope ratios of samples nearer to the coast appear to be similar to that of seawater (d7Li = +31 per mil). Have you considered marine aerosols as a possible source of Li in this system?
I cannot calculate the atmospheric inputs of Li because the samples were acidified when collected and couldn’t analyze them for anions. Other published literature use [Cl] to calculate the atmospheric input. However, I have sea salt deposition data at each catchment and plotted against d7Li. There was no correlation at all. The study conducted in the Mackenzie River Basin with a similar environmental setting compared to the Yukon River Basin, the highest atmospheric input to riverine Li, was less than 1%. Therefore, I would say the lithium isotopic values of ~+31 per mil are not derived from marine aerosol inputs but from other sources, possibly lithology of the rivers draining in.

Submitted by Romain Millot on Thursday 25th June 11:02
Dear Myunghak, congrats ! very nice job. Is this work already published ? Best regards Romain Millot
I read your paper on the Mackenzie Basin so many times!! Thank you. I'm writing my thesis now, my supervisor and I plan to publish it afterwards.

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