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(2020) Biomarker Similarities between the Saline Lacustrine Eocene Green River and the Paleoproterozoic Barney Creek Formations

French K, Birdwell J & Vanden Berg M


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08d: Room 3, Monday 22nd June 23:15 - 23:18

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Amber Jarrett on Sunday 21st June 12:41
The slides show that you have analysed Seven drill cores from the green river formation. How many samples facies have you analysed from the Barney Creek Formation and which facies of the Barney Creek did your comparison samples come from?

Submitted by Katherine French on Monday 22nd June 22:52
Hi Amber! Thanks for the question. We directly analyzed Green River Formation samples and compared those results to available and previously published Barney Creek Formation data. Ideally, the presented work will motivate better integration of carotenoid and methylhopane data with thermal maturity control, stratigraphic context, and facies analysis from multiple localities within the Barney Creek Formation. My understanding is that there is ongoing Barney Creek Formation biomarker work. Hopefully, this ongoing and future work will provide a better idea of how pervasive the methylhopane and carotenoid signature is within the Barney Creek and if it is associated with all or only specific facies. This is an outstanding question that I hope future work will address.

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