Cambridge Publications |
Publishing for Science |
September 3rd - 8th 2000
09:00 Hanyu T & Nakamura E:
Sr and Nd Isotopic Systematics of HIMU by Analyses of Clinopyroxene Phenocrysts
09:15 Kurz M:
Noble Gas Evidence for Undegassed Terrestrial Mantle
09:30 van Keken P & Ballentine C:
Heat and Helium: A Numerical Investigation of Mantle Heterogeneity Lengthscale
09:45 Davies GF & Mériaux C:
KEYNOTE Possible Causes of Trace-Element Stratification in the Mantle
10:15 Ozima M:
Origin of Mantle He and Implications for Mantle Fluid-flow
10:30 Discussion:
10:45 Marty B & Dauphas N:
Nitrogen Isotope Systematics of the Mantle and the Fate of Organic Matter Through Time
11:00 Bouman C, Elliott TR, Vroon PZ & Pearson DG:
Li Isotope Evolution of the Mantle from Analyses of Mantle Xenoliths
11:15 Lee C, Yin Q, Rudnick R & Jacobsen S:
The Role of Lithospheric Mantle in Continent Stability: Re-Os Isotopic Mapping of the Upper Mantle in Southwestern USA
11:30 Kadik A:
The Oxygen Budget of the Earth and the Oxidation State of the Archean Upper Mantle
11:45 Jacob D, Viljoen F, Grassineau N & Jagoutz E:
Remobilization of Ancient Material within the Subcratonic Lithosphere
09:00 Hornibrook E, Longstaffe F & Fyfe W:
Biogeochemical Processes Governing the Stable Carbon-Isotope Compositions of CH4 and CO2 in Freshwater Wetlands
09:15 Werne JP & Hollander DJ:
Anomalous Carbon Isotope Biogeochemistry in the Cariaco Upwelling System: Balancing the Effects of Biological and Oceanographic Processes
09:30 Dittrich M, Kurz P & Wehrli B:
Calcite Bio-mineralisation by Picoplankton Cultures from Lake Lucerne
09:45 Welch SA, Skatvold AM, Labrenz M, Druschel GK, Thomsen-Ebert T & Banfield JF:
Biogenic Carbonate Precipitation by a Planktonic Microbial Population
10:00 van Lith Y, Vasconcelos C, Warthmann R & McKenzie J:
Role of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria During Microbial Dolomite Precipitation as Deduced from Culture Experiments
10:15 Bailey A & Roberts H:
Controls on Minor Element Compositions of Early Diagenetic Siderites and Dolomites in the Mississippi River Delta Plain
10:30 Schippers A & Jørgensen BB:
Oxidation of FeS2 and FeS by MnO2 in Marine Sediments
10:45 Bottrell S, Parkes J & Raiswell R:
Deep Anoxic Pyrite Oxidation and Stimulation of Bacterial Activity in Marine Sediments
11:00 Brüchert V, Neumann K & Jørgensen BB:
Dynamics of Dissolved Inorganic and Organic Sulfides in Upwelling Sediments off Namibia
11:15 Wortmann UG, Bernasconi SM, Boettcher ME & Hay WW:
Extreme Sulfur Isotope Fractionations During (Single-step?) Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in Hypersulfidic Interstitial Waters of the Great Australian Bight, ODP Leg 182
11:30 Severmann S, Parkes RJ, Cragg BA, Telling J, Rhodes J, Mills RA & Palmer MR:
The Geomicrobiology of a Relict Sulphide Deposit: Extending the Boundaries of the Submarine Hydrothermal Ecosystem
11:45 Grimes S, Butler I, Davies K, Brock F, Edwards D & Rickard D:
Pyritisation of Plant Axes from the London Clay: Pyrite Textures and their Importance to Understanding the Mechanism of Fossilisation
09:00 Marotzke J:
KEYNOTE Understanding Large-Scale Oceanic Transport Processes
09:30 Rodgers K, Dutay J, Orr J, Monfray P, Madec G, Peacock S & Key R:
Transient Tracers and Interannual Variability in the Pacific Subtropical Cell
09:45 Hillaire-Marcel C, Ghaleb B, Simonetti A & Griepy C:
Western Boundary Undercurrent Control of Th-isotope Fluxes in the Labrador Sea Based on MC-ICP-MS Measurements of Total 230Th and 232Th in 5-Litre Water Samples
10:00 Hamelin B, Alleman L, Veron A & Nicolas E:
Transient Isotopic Variations of Pollutant Lead in the Mediterranean Sea
10:15 Discussion:
10:30 Rickaby REM, Schrag DP, Flugge A, Riebesell U & Zondervan I:
Cultural Perspectives on Sr/Ca in Coccolithophorids
10:45 Vance D, Henderson GM, Burton KW & Slowey NC:
Neodymium in Sedimentary Foraminifera Records the Isotopic Composition of Surface Seawater
11:00 Reynolds B, Henderson G & Burton K:
Tracing Holocene Sources of North Atlantic Deep-waters Using Nd-isotopes in Bahamas Slope Sediments
11:15 Staubwasser M & Henderson GM:
Investigation of 226Ra/Ba Dating of Marine Carbonate by TIMS
11:30 Eisenhauer A, Liebetrau V, Gussone N, Wörner G & Hansen BT:
The Application of 226Raexc./Ba-Ratios for Dating of Baltic Ferromanganese Concretions
09:00 Eggleston C, Samson S, Higgins S, Stack A & Pribyl R:
KEYNOTE A New Look at an Old Idea: The Structure of Oxide Mineral Surfaces and the Role of Metal Centers in Intermediate Co-ordination Environments as Adsorbed Ions
09:30 Sturchio NC, Fenter P & Teng HH:
New Evidence of Orthoclase Dissolution Mechanisms by In Situ X-Ray Reflectivity and Atomic Force Microscopy
09:45 Nagy K, Schlegel M, Cheng L, Fenter P & Sturchio N:
Alteration of Muscovite to a Mg-Clay
10:00 Samson SD & Eggleston CM:
Nonsteady State Hematite Dissolution: HAFM and STM Observations
10:15 Oelkers EH, Gauthier J & Schott J:
An Experimental Study of the Dissolution Mechanism and Rates of Muscovite
10:30 Petit J, Angeli F, Boscarino D, Della Mea G & Boizot B:
Influence of Calcium on the Dissolution Behaviour of Sodium Aluminosilicate Glasses
10:45 Wogelius RA, Dysthe DK, Tang CC & Nield AA:
Pressure Solution Studied In Situ via X-ray Reflectivity
11:00 Stipp S:
Toward a Conceptual Model of the Calcite Surface
11:15 Pina CM, Becker U & Fernández-Díaz L:
Epitaxial Growth of Gypsum on Anhydrite: In Situ AFM Observations and Computer Calculations
11:30 Le Guern C, Baranger P, Conil P, Negrel P, Brach M, Bodenan F & Crouzet C:
Arsenic and Rare Earth Elements Trapping by Carbonates and Hydrous Iron Oxides Precipitates Generated by Degassing and Oxidation of Mineralised Waters
11:45 Higgins S, Bosbach D, Eggleston C & Knauss K:
Experimental Measurements and Modelling of Fundamental Attachment and Detachment Reactions on Barium Sulphate (001) Using Hydrothermal Scanning Probe Microscopy
09:00 Reisberg L, Lorand J, Bedini RM & Bodinier J:
Os Isotopic and PGE Results from Spinel Peridotites of the East African Rift
09:15 Alard O, Pearson NJ, Reisberg L, Lorand J, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY:
Os Isotope Systematics of the Massif Central Mantle Lithosphere: In-situ and Whole-rock Studies
09:30 Richardson SH, Shirey SB, Harris JW & Carlson RW:
Re-Os Systematics of Sulphide Inclusion Bearing Diamonds from Continental Mantle Roots
09:45 Brügmann G, Rehkämper M, Mezger K & Hofmann A:
Os Isotopic Composition and Abundance of Highly Siderophile Elements in Mantle Peridotites and Dikes from the Ivrea Zone in Italy
10:00 Discussion:
10:15 Blichert-Toft J, Ionov DA & Albarède F:
The Nature of the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Hf Isotope Evidence from Garnet Peridotite Xenoliths from Siberia
10:30 Dowall D, Nowell G, Pearson DG & Kjarsgaard B:
The Nature of Kimberlite Source Regions: A Hf-Nd Isotopic Study of Slave Craton Kimberlites
10:45 Schmidberger S, Simonetti A & Francis D:
Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics for Peridotite Xenoliths from Somerset Island Kimberlites: Evidence for Archean Lithosphere beneath Arctic Canada
11:00 Bizzarro M & Stevenson RK:
Nature of the Sub-Continental Mantle Under the North Atlantic Craton: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths of the Safartoq Area, Southwestern Greenland
11:15 McDade P & Harte B:
Roberts Victor Eclogites with a Spinel-Facies Mantle Signature
11:30 Bouikine A, Trieloff M, Hopp J & Altherr R:
Argon: A Tracer of Mantle Metasomatism Recorded by Xenoliths from the Uwayrid Volcanic Field, Saudi Arabia
11:45 Korotchantseva E, Trieloff M & Hopp J:
Tracing Mantle Metasomatism of Zabargad (Red Sea) Peridotites by the 40Ar-39Ar Technique
09:00 Pearson DG, Bulanova G, Shirey S, Carlson R, Milledge J & Barashkov Y:
Re-Os Isotope Constraints on the age of Siberian Diamonds
09:15 Stein HJ, Markey RJ & Morgan JW:
Robust Re-Os Molybdenite Ages for the Hemlo Au Deposit, Superior Province, Canada
09:30 Villa IM, Ruggieri G & Puxeddu M:
Geochronology of Heterogeneous Minerals: 3. Biotites from the Larderello Geothermal Field
09:45 Whitehouse M:
Combining in Situ Zircon REE and U-Th-Pb Geochronology: A Petrogenetic Dating Tool
10:00 Bacon CR, Lowenstern JB, Persing HM, Wooden JL & Donnelly-Nolan JM:
Late Pleistocene Zircons from Cascades arc Volcanoes Dated by U-Th Analysis with SHRIMP RG
10:15 Corfu F:
U-Pb Geochronology of the Lofoten-Vesteraalen AMCG Suite, Northern Norway
10:30 Scherer E, Münker C & Mezger K:
The Decay Constant of 176Lu Determined by Calibration Against the U-Pb System in the Phalaborwa Carbonatite
10:45 Pidgeon RT, Nemchin AA & Kinny PD:
Fir-tree and Nebulously Zoned Zircons from Granulite Facies Rocks: Evidence for Zircon Growth and Interaction with Metamorphic Fluids
11:00 Poller U, Huth J & Hoppe P:
What Causes the Changes in Cathodoluminescence Intensity in Natural Zircons?
11:15 Zheng Y, Li S & Wang Z:
Oxygen Isotope Constraints on the Equilibration of Radiogenic Isotope Systems in Minerals: Implications for Metamorphic Geochronology
11:30 Alexandrov P, Ruffet G, Cheilletz A & Féraud G:
Saddle Shaped 40Ar/39Ar Age Spectra and Muscovite Recrystallization
11:45 Kumar A, Gopalan K & Rajagopalan G:
Mesoproterozoic Age of the Vindhyan Sediments, Central India from Glauconite Rb-Sr Systematics
09:00 Perini G, Tepley III FJ, Davidson JP & Conticelli S:
The Origin of K-Feldspar Megacrysts Hosted in Alkaline Potassic Rocks from post-Orogenic Setting: Constraining the Interaction between high-K calc-Alkaline and Alkaline Magmas
09:15 Nex P, Cawthorn G & Kinnaird J:
Decoupling of Major and Trace Elements During the Intrusion of new Magma: The Main Zone of the Western Bushveld Complex
09:30 Sensarma S, Palme H, Deloule E & Mukhopadhyay D:
Evidence of Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in the Early Proterozoic Andesitic Rock, Dongargarh Supergroup, Central India and Possible Tectonic Implication
09:45 Davidson J, Hassanzadeh J, Berzins R, Pandamouz A, Turrin B & Young A:
Magmagenesis and Evolution at Damavand Volcano, Iran
10:00 Tonarini S, Civetta L, D'Antonio M, Ferrara G, Leeman WP & Necco A:
B/Nb and *11B Systematics in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (PVD) and Aeolian Islands (relationship between Calc-alkaline and Potassic Orogenic Magmatism in Southern Italy)
10:15 Schaltegger U, Zeilinger G, Frank M & Burg J:
Formation of Juvenile Island arc Crust Through Melting of Sub-arc Mantle: Precise U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes from a Fossil Crust-mantle Transition in the Kohistan Complex (Northern Pakistan)
10:30 Shaw A, Hilton D, Macpherson C & Sinton J:
Evidence for Nucleogenic Neon in High 3He/4He Lavas from the Manus Back-arc Basin
10:45 Isnard H, Gariepy C & Stevenson RK:
Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb Isotopic Characterization of the Late Archean La Grande Subprovince, Quebec: Significance to the Crustal Development of the Eastern Superior Craton
11:00 Shchekina TI, Gramenitskiy EN, Batanova AM & Kurbyko TA:
Reactionary Phenomena at the Phase Boundary of Granitic Melt and Basic Rocks
11:15 Tiepolo M, Tribuzio R, Bottazzi P & Vannucci R:
Primary Liquid Composition in Continental Collisional Setting: Inferences from the Adamello and Val Masino-Bregaglia Intrusions (Central Alps)
11:30 Andersen T, Andresen A & Sylvester AG:
Nature and Distribution of Deep Crustal Reservoirs in the South-western Part of the Baltic Shield: Evidence from Nd, Sr and Pb Isotope Data on Late Sveconorwegian Granites
11:45 Jung S, Mezger K & Hoernes S:
Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Melts from the Pan-African Damara Belt