Cambridge Publications | ![]() |
Publishing for Science |
September 3rd - 8th 2000
09:00 Rehkämper M, Schmalzl J & Hansen U:
The Effect of Plate Dynamics on the Convective Mixing of Chemical Heterogeneities in the Earth's Mantle
09:15 Phipps Morgan J, Morgan WJ & Ravine MA:
'Missing' Dynamic Topography: Geodynamic Evidence Against Deeply Layered Mantle Convection
09:30 Kerrich R & Polat A:
Nb/Ta Variation in Ocean Plateau Basalts, Archaean to Present: The Mantle as a Reservoir of Continental Crust
09:45 Masters G:
KEYNOTE A Seismological View of Geochemical Reservoirs in the Mantle?
10:15 Stachel T, Harris JW & Brey GP:
Kankan Diamonds (Guinea) Messengers from an Enriched Layer at the top of the Lower Mantle
10:30 Thomas C & Kendall J:
The Structure of the Lowermost Mantle
10:45 Discussion:
11:00 Gasperini D, Blichert-Toft J, Bosch D, del Moro A, Macera P, Télouk P & Albarède F:
Ancient Oceanic Plateaus in the Source of EMI Basalts: Evidence from Sardinian Basalt Geochemistry
11:15 Boehler R:
General Melting Behavior at Very High Pressure: Implications for the Earth
11:30 Albarède F & Blichert-Toft J:
The Hf/Sm Fractionation in Basalts and the Evolution of the Terrestrial, Lunar, and Martian Mantles
11:45 Allègre C:
The Transitional Model [2LÆ1L] Model for the Earth's Mantle and the Chemical Geodynamics Paradigm
09:00 Bencheikh-Latmani R, Leckie J & Spormann A:
Interactions of Pseudomonas fluorescens with Uranyl (UO22+): Implications for Mobility of Uranyl in the Subsurface
09:15 Lovley D, Methe B, Coppi M, Nevin K, Childers S, Lloyd J & Leang C:
Genomic Approach to the Study of Microbial Reduction of Iron and Uranium in Subsurface Environments
09:30 Banwart SA:
Microbial Reduction of Iron(III) Minerals by Natural Organic Matter
09:45 Brantley S, Liermann L, Guynn R & Bullen T:
Fractionation of Fe Isotopes by Soil Microbes and Organic Acids
10:00 Arato B, Cziner K, Posfai M, Marton E & Marton P:
Magnetite and Greigite from Magnetotactic Bacteria and from Sedimentary Rocks: Size Distributions and Microstructures
10:15 Hallberg R:
Biomineralisation by Gallionella
10:30 Hamade T, Phoenix V & Konhauser K:
Photo-chemical and Biologically Mediated Precipitation of Iron and Silica
10:45 Scott S & Fein J:
Experimental Study of the Effect of Fe on Si Adsorption by Bacillus subtilis: Insights into Biological Precipitation of Silicate Minerals
11:00 Phoenix V, Konhauser K & Howe A:
Mechanisms of Rapid Silicate Biomineralisation in Hot Springs
11:15 Van Cappellen P & Dixit S:
Reactivity of Marine Biogenic Silica: Reconciling Water Column and Sediment Data
11:30 Hyacinthe C, Anschutz P, Carbonel P, Jouanneau J & Jorissen F:
Interactions of Iron, Manganese and Nitrogen in Muddy Sediments of the Bay of Biscay
11:45 Motelica-Heino M & Davison W:
In-situ Trace Metals Distribution in Lake Sediment Pore Waters: High Spatial Resolution Depth Profiling and 2D-Mapping
09:00 Sigman D, Francois R, Altabet M & Lehman S:
KEYNOTE The Nutrient Status of the Southern Ocean During the Last Ice Age and its Links to the Global Ocean
09:30 McManus J, Francois R & Marchal O:
Foraminifera Stable Isotopes, Bulk Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th, and the Link between Thermohaline Circulation and Rapid Climate Oscillations
09:45 Adkins J, Cheng H, Shen C, Edwards R & Druffel E:
The Pre-bomb, Holocene and Deglacial Radiocarbon Content of the Deep Atlantic Ocean
10:00 Labeyrie L, Cortijo E, Waelbroeck C, Paterne M, Kallel N & Duplessy JC:
Ocean Sediment Isotopic Records of the Last Deglaciation Contain Key Information on the Interactions between Climate and Thermohaline Circulation at the Global Scale
10:15 Schrag DP, Adkins JF & McIntyre K:
Pore Fluid Constraints on Chemistry and Temperature of the Glacial Ocean
10:30 Discussion:
10:45 Hemming SR, Goldstein SL, Bond A & Turrin BD:
Radiogenic Ar Concentrations of De-carbonated Sediments Around South Africa
11:00 Piotrowski AM, Goldstein SL & Hemming SR:
Neodymium Isotopic Evidence for Late Glacial and Holocene Millennial-scale Variations in North Atlantic Deep Water Export to the South Atlantic
11:15 Goldstein SL, Hemming SR, Piotrowski AM & Machlus M:
North Pacific Deep Water Formation During the Last Glacial Maximum?
11:30 Pichat S, Albarede F, Beaufort L, Francois R & Sims KW:
A High Resolution (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 Profile from the Western Pacific Warm Pool over the Last Five Isotopic Stages
11:45 Wolff-Boenisch B, Hamelin B, Angeletti B & Bard E:
Pb Isotope Data from Deep-Sea Sediments from the Southwestern Indian Ocean and the Southeastern Arabian Sea
09:00 Manceau A, Lanson B & Drits V:
KEYNOTE Surface Structural Control of Trace Element Partitioning in Natural Mn Oxides
09:30 Grolimund D, Warner JA, Carrier X & Brown, Jr. GE:
Chemical Behavior of Strontium at the Solid-Liquid Interface of Amorphous Manganese Oxides: A Molecular-level Study Using EXAFS
09:45 Brown, Jr. GE, Chambers SA, Amonette JE, Rustad JR, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Grolimund D, Foster-Mills NS, Joyce SA & Thevuthasan S:
Abiotic Interactions of Aqueous Chromium Ions with Iron Oxide Surfaces
10:00 Tadanier CJ, Eick MJ & Hochella MF:
Surface Complexation Modeling of Pi-Goethite Adsorption Behavior: Integrating Adsorption Edge and Surface Charging Data
10:15 Sverjensky D & Criscenti L:
Speciation of Alkaline Earth Adsorption on the Surfaces of Oxide and Hydroxide Minerals in Salt Solutions
10:30 Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Palmer D & Ridley M:
On the Temperature Dependence of Intrinsic Surface Protonation Equilibrium Constants: An Extension of the Revised MUSIC Model
10:45 Fenter P, Cheng L, Machesky ML, Bedzyk MJ & Sturchio NC:
Probing the Electrical Double-Layer Structure at the Rutile-Water Interface with X-Ray Standing Waves
11:00 Traina S & Chen C:
XAS Investigation of Lanthanide Ion Sorption on Iron Oxide and Cr-Substituted Iron Oxide Surfaces
11:15 Shaw S, Pepper SE, Livens FR, Henderson CMB, Vaughan DJ & Clark SM:
Hydrothermal Formation of Hydrated Ferric Oxides: An in situ Synchrotron Study
11:30 Valsami-Jones E, Fields M & Ragnarsdottir KV:
Apatite Reactivity in the Presence of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Uranium
11:45 Peaudecerf A, Charlet L, Chapron Y, Reiche I & Menu M:
Influence of Cations on the Dissolution of Apatite A Combined Experimental and Computational Approach
09:00 Kelley SP, Brooker RA, Chamorro-Perez E, Wartho J & Wood B:
An Experimental View of the Behaviour of Noble Gases During Mantle Melting
09:15 Burnard P, Farley K, Graham D & Mukhopadhyay S:
Fractionation of Noble Gases During Mantle Melting: Amsterdam-St. Paul's Plateau, South East Indian Ridge
09:30 Barfod DN, Lee D, Ballentine CJ & Halliday AN:
The Role of Deep Melting Under the Cameroon Line in the Fractionation of Helium and Incompatible Lithophile Elements
09:45 Hilton DR, Thirlwall MF, Taylor RN & Murton BJ:
Coupled He-Pb Isotope Relationships along the Reykjanes Ridge with Implications for Plume Structure and the Helium-Paradox
10:00 Stuart F, Ellam R, Fitton G & Raistrick M:
Constraints on Magma Sources in the North Atlantic Ocean from the Isotope Geochemistry of Basalts from Jan Mayen and Snaefellsness, Iceland
10:15 Discussion:
10:30 Blundy J & Green T:
A Partitioning Origin for Strontium Anomalies in Mantle-derived Melts
10:45 Burton KW, Gannoun A, Schiano P, Birck J & Allègre CJ:
The Partitioning of Rhenium and Osmium into Magmatic Olivine and the Consequences for the Chemistry of Oceanic Basalts
11:00 David K, Schiano P & Allègre CJ:
Assessment of Zr/Hf Fractionation in Oceanic Basalts During Petrogenetic Processes
11:15 Dalton J & Blundy J:
Carbonatites from Recycled Eclogites
11:30 Heaman L, Creaser R & Cookenboo H:
Extreme High-field-strength Element Enrichment in Eclogite Xenoliths from the Jericho Kimberlite, Canada: The Geochemical Complement of Subduction Zone Magmatism
11:45 Ionov D, Mukasa S & Bodinier J:
Sr and Nd Isotope Decoupling in the Mantle by Melt Percolation Metasomatism: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths from Spitsbergen
09:00 Criddle C:
KEYNOTE Serendipity and Bioaugmentation: The Strange True Story of Pseudomonas stutzeri KC
09:30 Edwards E, Cox E, McMaster M, Dworatzek S & Major D:
Bioaugmentation for Complete Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes
09:45 Hall J, Mailloux B, Onstott T, Fuller M, Strenger S, Rothmel R & Deflaun M:
The Effect of Physical and Chemical Sediment Heterogeneity on Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacterial Transport
10:00 Roberts Rogers J, Bennett P & Barker J:
Ligand-Promoted Nutrient Release from Silicates
10:15 McCormick M, Gerdenich M, Kao L & Adriaens P:
Geochemistry of Hydrous Ferric Oxide Reduction by Geobacter metallireducens: Implications for Sustained Dechlorination of Tetrachloromethane
10:30 Slater G, Sherwood Lollar B, Allen-King R & O'Hannesin S:
Carbon Isotopic Fractionation by Zero-Valent Iron: Influence of Surface Pre-treatment
10:45 Discussion:
11:00 Diegor E, Abrajano T, Patel T, Stehmeier L, Gow J & Winsor L:
Biodegradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Microbial and Isotopic Studies
11:15 Ward JAM, Ahad JME, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Slater GF, Edwards EA & Sherwood-Lollar B:
Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation During Methanogenic Degradation of Toluene: Potential for Direct Verification of Bioremediation
11:30 Bottrell S & Spence M:
Assessing Anoxic Biodegradation via Sulphate Reduction Using Sulphate Stable Isotopes
11:45 Lenczewski M, McKay L & Layton A:
Trichloroethylene Biodegradation in Large Undistributed Columns of Fractured Weathered Shale in East Tennessee
09:00 Möller A:
In-situ Geochronology and Mineral Growth Episodes: A Tale of Proterozoic to Palaeozoic Shearzone Activity from the Strangways Metamorphic Complex, Central Australia
09:15 Harlov D & Hans-Jürgen F:
Experimental Nucleation of Co-Existing Monazite and Xenotime Grains in Chlorapatite
09:30 Foster G, Vance D, Kinny P, Prince C & Harris N:
The Significance of Monazite U-Th-Pb Age Data in Metamorphic Assemblages: A Combined Chemical and Isotopic Study
09:45 Harris N, Prince C & Vance D:
Fluid Control on Crustal Melting During Orogenesis
10:00 Argles T:
Sm-Nd Isotopic Mapping of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis: Tectono-stratigraphic Correlations and Insights
10:15 Jenkin GR, Ellam R, Rogers G & Stuart F:
What Really Controls Mica Rb-Sr Closure Temperature?
10:30 Xiao Y, Hoefs J, van den Kerkhof A & Fiebig J:
Different Fluid Histories During the Metamorphic Evolution of North and South Dabie Shan, China
10:45 Dunai TJ:
Helium Diffusion in Apatite Revisited: Is the High Temperature Diffusion Mechanism an Artefact or a Reality?
11:00 Cosca M, Giorgis D, Janak M, Kramar N & Mulch A:
The Influence of Metamorphic History on Intragrain Argon Isotope Variations in Metamorphic White Mica Mapped by in situ UV Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
11:15 Giorgis D, Cosca M, Rumble D & Liou JG:
Correlated Argon and Oxygen Isotopes in UHP Eclogites from Qinglongshan (Sulu Terrain, China): Evidence for Inherited Argon
11:30 Chen S, Zhou X, Zhang G, Li J & Chen L:
Origin of the Coronas in the Mafic Granulite Xenoliths from Hannuoba, Northern Sino-Korean Craton
09:00 O'Nions RK, Zhu XK, Guo Y & Matthews A:
Fractionation of Heavier Stable Isotopes in Planetary Processes
09:15 Bailey T, Thirlwall M & McArthur J:
The Potential of Laser Ablation Multiple-Collector ICP-MS in Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy
09:30 Hellstrom J:
Accurate Measurement of Uranium and Thorium Isotopic Ratios in Low-uranium Natural Carbonates Using Multi-collector ICP-MS
09:45 Halliday A, Rehkämper M, Schönbächler M, Oberli F, Freedman P, Frank M, Müller W, Teutsch N, Baur H & Wiechert U:
MC-ICPMS The Good, the Small and the Massive
10:00 Horstwood M, Parrish R, Nowell G & Noble S:
Further Advances in U-Th-Pb LA-PIMMS
10:15 Kossler J, Cox R, Sylvester P, Wilton D, Stein H & Schersten A:
Laser Ablation ICP-MS Analysis of Molybdenites Implications for Re-Os Geochronology
10:30 Schwieters J, Hamester M, Jung G, Pesch R, Rottmann L, Tuttas D & Wills J:
Neptune: A new High Precision Multicollector ICP Mass Spectrometer
10:45 Yin Q & Lee C:
Plasma Centrifuge and Isotopic Fractionation in MC-ICP-MS
11:00 Pearson NJ, Alard O, Griffin WL, Graham S & Jackson SE:
LAM-MC-ICPMS Analysis of Mantle-derived Sulfides: The Key to Re-Os Systematics of Mantle Peridotites
11:15 Thirlwall M:
Precise Pb Isotope Analysis of Standards and Samples Using an Isoprobe Multicollector ICP-MS: Comparisons with Doublespike Thermal Ionization Data
11:30 Palacz Z, Turner P & Meffan-Main S:
Ultra High Nd Isotope Ratio Precisions The Limit of Exponential Mass Fractionation Correction
11:45 Vance D & Thirwall M:
Precise and Accurate Neodymium Isotopic Analysis of Sub-5ng Samples by MC-ICPMS