Cambridge Publications | ![]() |
Publishing for Science |
September 3rd - 8th 2000
1 Ainsaar L, Martma T & Meidla T:
The Mid-Caradoc Carbon Isotopic Event and its Expression in Siljan District, Central Sweden-Offshore Area of the Balto-scandian Palaeobasin
2 Asahara Y, Tanaka T, Kamioka H, Nishimura A & Yamazaki T:
Regional and Temporal Variations of 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd Ratios in the North Pacific Sediments and their Significance on Paleoclimatic Variation in the Asian Continent
3 Frank N, Hemming G & Goldstein S:
Neogene Pb- and Nd-Isotope Composition of a Mn Nodule from the South Pacific Ocean
4 Haley B & Klinkhammer G:
Developing Rare Earth Elements as a Paleoceanographic Proxy: Separating Primary and Diagenetic Influences
5 Kashiwagi H, Shikazono N & Tajika E:
Global Carbon Cycle Model in the Cenozoic
6 Lüschen H, Schnetger B, Brumsack H & Paul J:
Trace Element Distribution in Palaeozoic Black Shales: "Kupferschiefer" (Germany) and Exshaw Formation (Canada)
7 Oezen D, Geyh MA, Heine K & Thiedig F:
Absolute Chronology of Wet Climate Periods in the Present Arid Parts of Northern and Southern Africa
8 Ostertag-Henning C:
Atmospheric and Oceanographic Circulation Changes in the Northeast Pacific Concurrent with Heinrich Events: Evidence from Trace Metals and Heavy Minerals
9 Pentecost A, Spiro B & Numez R:
Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation of the Early Postglacial Sedimentary Record of a Marl Lake
10 Vennemann TW, Vdovic R & Thoral S:
Clay Minerals of the North Alpine Molasse Sediments Archives of Alpine Upliftment and Climatic Change?
11 Wehausen R & Brumsack H:
Major and Minor Element Signatures in Pliocene South China Sea Sediments: A Response to East Asian Monsoon Cyclicity
12 Weldeab S, Emeis K & Christoph H:
High Resolution Geochemical Investigation of Selected Late Pleistocene Sapropels of the Mediterranean Sea: Productivity Versus Preservation
1 Aplin A & Hill D:
River Colloids: Agents or Reflections of Chemical Weathering in Temperate Uplands?
2 Aubert D, Probst A, Stille P & Viville D:
Evidence of Hydrological Conditions Influence on Sr Behaviour in Streamwaters. The Strengbach Catchment Case Study (Vosges Mountains, France)
3 Aubert D, Stille P & Probst A:
REE Fractionation During Granite Weathering and Removal by Waters and Suspended Loads
4 Bunbury J, Bickle M, Ahmad T, Fairchild I, Harris N & Chapman H:
Experiments to Investigate the Contribution of Silicate Weathering to the Dissolution of Himalayan Rocks
5 Croxford S, Banwart S & Cripps J:
Generation of Acidity and Alkalinity from Different Coal Measure Lithologies Under Saturated Conditions
6 Dequincey O, Chabaux F, Sigmarsson O, Clauer N, Liewig N & Leprun J:
Formation and Evolution of Weathering Profiles: Combined Study of Trace Elements, Sr Isotopes and U-Th Disequilibria
7 Dietzel M & Böhme G:
Dissolution of Gibbsite in Open and Closed Systems: Experimental Data and a New Kinetic Approach
8 Domènech C & Ayora C:
Weathering of the Pyritic Sludge Remaining in the Soil After the Aznalcóllar Accident (SW Spain)
9 Gaillardet J, Millot R, Dupre B & Allègre C:
River Geochemistry and Chemical Weathering of Shields: From Subarctics to Tropics
10 Galy A & France-Lanord C:
Higher Erosion Rates in the Himalaya: Geochemical Constraints on Riverine Fluxes
11 Gislason SR & Oelkers EH:
Chemical Weathering Rate of Basaltic Glass as a Function of Temperature, pH, Organic Acids and Solution Composition
12 Gruau G, Dia A, Olivie-Lauquet G & Serrat E:
The Effects of Organic Matter and Seasonal Redox Dynamics on Chemical Weathering: Constraints from Natural Wetland Studies
13 Jarc S & Mirtic B:
The Study of Weathering Effects on the Slovenian Limestones by SEM
14 Jhonny T & Michel L:
Platinum Group Elements (PGE) Mobility Under Tropical Weathering Conditions
15 Ji H, Wang S, Ouyang Z & Zhou D:
Geochemistry and Nd-Sr Isotopic Composition of Carbonate Rocks and their Insoluble Materials: Implications for the Origin of Carbonate Rocks and the Average Chemical Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
16 Jung HG, Rammlmair D, Bosecker K & Tufar W:
Behavior of a Freiberg Mining Waste Dump During Leaching Processes
17 Le Gal X & Crovisier JL:
Role of Zeolites Crystallisation in the Kinetic of Volcanic Glass Corrosion
18 Leal Pacheco FA & Van der Weijden CH:
Mineral Weathering Rates and Groundwater Recharge Rates
19 Ma Y, Liu C & Huo R:
Strontium Isotope Systematics During Chemical Weathering of Granitoids: Importance of Relative Mineral Weathering Rates
20 Mason TFD, Widdowson M, Ellam RM & Oxburgh R:
Isotopic Variability of Sr and Nd in Lateritic Deposits from the Deccan Traps, India: Evidence for an Input of Aeolian Material to the Laterites
21 Meléndez WG, Rodríguez LM & Ramírez AJ:
Quantification of non Crystaline Material in Bauxites
22 Millot R, Gaillardet J, Dupré B & Allègre CJ:
Silicate Weathering Rates Inferred from Sr Isotopes Systematics in the Mackenzie River Basin, Canada
23 Oberholzer P, Baur H, Denton GH, Marchant DR, Schäfer JM, Schlüchter C, Wieler R & Lewis A:
Minimum Age and Evolution of the Buried Ice in Beacon Valley, Antarctica, Derived from In Situ Cosmogenic Noble Gases
24 Oliver LS, Harris N, Dise N & Bickle M:
The Effect of Lesser Himalayan Calc-Silicates on the 87Sr/86Sr of the Bhote Kosi River of Nepal Implications for Himalayan Weathering, the Marine 87Sr/86Sr Record and Global Climate
25 Pierson-Wickmann A, Reisberg L & France-Lanord C:
Another Source of Radiogenic Os in the Himalayas: The Lesser Himalaya Carbonates
26 Pokrovsky OS, Schott J & Pokrovski G:
Dissolved Major and Trace Elements in Two Contrasting Rivers and their Estuarine Zones of the White Sea (Karelia, Russia)
27 Quilici H, Picke N, Probst A & Loubet M:
Pb Isotopes as Tracers of Anthropogenic Inputs and Weathering Process (Strengbach Catchment, Vosges Mountains, France)
28 Rahman Mia A:
Soil Erosion Processes in the Hill Areas of Bangladesh
29 Reddy MM & Doe BR:
Marble Dissolution by Acid Rain and Sulphur Dioxide
30 Sharma A & Rajamani V:
Weathering of Amphibolite and Mobility of Elements Under Semi-arid Conditions, Southern India
31 Singh SK, France-Lanord C & Reisberg L:
Os, Sr & Nd Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of Sediments of the Brahmaputra River System
32 Skidmore M, Tranter M, Grust K & Jones I:
Chemical Weathering Rates and Solute Fluxes from Catchments of the Greenland Ice Sheet
33 Stark C, Driscoll N, Weissel J, Restrepo C & Hovius N:
The Role of Biomass-wasting in the Carbon Cycle
34 Thomas B, Lippolt HJ & Pidgeon RT:
U-Th-He Dating of Ironstones Examples from the Hamersley Iron Province and Darling Range Laterites from Western Australia
35 Tosiani T, Loubet M, Dupre B, Marrero S, Berger G, Yanes C & Ramirez A:
Geochemical Characteristics of River Fluxes in the Cuyuni Tropical Basin (Southern Venezuela): Importance of the Organo-colloidal Control on Elements Behavior
36 West AJ, Bickle MJ, Bunbury JM & Fairchild IJ:
Re-assessing the Carbonate Contribution to High Himalayan Dissolved Load
37 White N, Pringle M, Garzanti E, Najman Y, Bickle M, Friend P, Ashok M & Burbank D:
Ar/Ar Single Crystal White Mica Ages for Himalayan Erosion, Exhumation and Provenance Studies
38 Ziegler K, Chadwick OA, Kelly EF, Brzezinski MA & DeNiro MJ:
Silicon Isotope Fractionation During Weathering and Soil Formation: Experimental Results
1 Ashchepkov I, Vladykin N, Yuri O, Anoshin G, Gerasimov P & Saprykin A:
Thermal Gradient, Mantle Layering and Geochemistry beneath Aldan Shield According to the Kimberlitic Deep Seated Disintegrated Inclusions
2 Beccaluva L, Coltorti M, Milani L, Salvini L, Siena F & Tassinari R:
Tertiary Nephelinite to Tholeiite Magma Generation in the Veneto Volcanic Province, Southern Alps
3 Berly T, Arculus R, Lapierre H & Eggins S:
Peridotites, Gabbros and Basalts Exposed on San Jorge, Santa Isabel and Choiseul Islands (Solomon Islands): Accretion of Ontong Java Plateau's Fragments or Exhumation of arc Related Rocks?
4 Berry AJ & O'Neill HS:
The Oxidation State of Chromium in Silicate Glasses as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity, Composition, Temperature, and Pressure
5 Blundy J, Dalpe C & Higgins M:
The Composition and Distribution of Trapped Melt in the Kiglapait Layered Intrusion
6 Bouhedja M, Deloule E, Reisberg L & Wagner C:
Evidence for Equilibrium Crystallization of Amphiboles and Clinopyroxenes in Mantle-Modally-Metasomatized Peridotite Xenoliths from French Massif Central
7 Buchan C, Pfänder J, Brewer T, Cunningham D & Windley B:
Trace Element and Nd Isotope Characteristics of the Bayankhongor Ophiolite, Central Mongolia: Heterogeneous Mantle or Single Contaminated Source?
8 Coltorti M, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C & Siena F:
K-rich Glasses from the Oceanic Mantle of Cape Verde
9 Coogan L & MacLeod C:
Magma Plumbing and Melt Aggregation beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges
10 Davies GR, Francalanci L, Tommasini S & Conticelli S:
Complex Magma Chamber Dynamics at Stromboli During the 20th Century
11 Downes H:
Multiple Origins for Mantle Pyroxenites: Subducted Ocean Crust and/or Cumulates from Asthenospheric Magmas
12 Eisele J, Sharma M, Blichert-Toft J, Devey CW & Hofmann AW:
Os, Hf, Nd and Sr Isotope Analyses from the Pitcairn Hotspot: Constraints on the Composition of EM1
13 Green MG:
Submerged Early Archean Flood Volcanism: Geochemical and Geological Evidence from the Pilbara Craton, Australia
14 Grönvold K, Oskarsson N, Sigurdsson G & Sverrisdottir G:
Osmium Isotopes in Ferromagnesian Mineral and Basalts from Iceland Measured by MC-IPC-MS Triple Ion Counting
15 Hanan BB, Pyle DG, Blichert-Toft J, Christie DM & Albarède F:
Ultra-depleted Hafnium Isotopes from Australian-Antarctic Discordance MORB
16 Izokh A, Gibsher N, Malkovets V & Travin A:
Argon-Argon Dating of Camptonite Dikes of the Sangilen, Southeastern Tuva, Russia
17 Lapierre H, Bosch D, Tardy M & Struik L:
Paleozoic-Triassic Plume-derived Magmas in the Canadian Cordillera Play a Key Role in Continent Growth
18 Malkovets V, Travin A, Reutsky V, Shevchenko D & Litasov K:
Argon-Argon Dating of Basanites from Volcanic Pipes of the Minusa Region SW of the Siberian Craton
19 Malkovets V, Ionov D, Agashev A, Litasov Y, Orihashi Y, O'Reilly S & Griffin W:
Structure and Composition of the Mantle beneath the Minusa Region SW of the Siberian Craton: A Sr-Nd Isotope and Trace Element Study
20 Mamberti M, Lapierre H, Bosch D, Eggins S, Jaillard E, Hernandez J & Polvé M:
Remnants of the Cretaceous Colombian Oceanic Plateau in Ecuador: Evidenced by the Petrology and the Geochemistry of Picrites and Mg-rich Basalts
21 Mattielli N, Weis D, Blichert-toft J & Frey FA:
The Kerguelen Plume Source Characterized by Hf Isotopes
22 O'Neill H, Berry A, Shelley M & Foran G:
In-situ Determination of Cation Oxidation States in Silicate Melts at Temperatures to 1750 K
23 Paquin J, Altherr R & Vennemann TW:
Li Metasomatism During Exhumation of the Ultrahigh-pressure Garnet Peridotite from the Alpe Arami, Central Alps (Switzerland)
24 Perini G, Cebria JM & Ruiz JL:
Evidences of Mantle Heterogeneity beneath Spain from post-Hercynian Magmatism in the Variscan Belt
25 Pfänder J, Jochum KP, Todt W & Kröner A:
Tracing Ancient Mantle Sources: Origin of Gabbros and Peridotites from the ATC Ophiolite in Central Asia Petrological, Trace Element and Isotopic Constraints
26 Polat A, Regelous M, Hofmann AW & Appel PWU:
Geochemistry and Neodymium and Strontium Isotope Systematics of the 3.7-3.8 Ga Pillow Basalts of the Isua Greenstone Belt, Southwest Greenland
27 Simon NSC, Davies GR, Pearson DG, Mason PRD & Irvine GJ:
Multistage Metasomatism and Mineral Growth of Cratonic Mantle Recorded by a Glass-bearing Garnet Lherzolite Xenolith from Letseng-la-Terae, Lesotho
28 Sobolev V, Sobolev A, Rocholl A & Hofmann A:
Comparative Study of Koolau and Mauna Loa Primitive Melts: Investigation of Melt Inclusions in Olivines
29 Sylvester PJ, Kamenetsky VS & McDonough WF:
Melt Inclusion Evidence for Komatiite Genesis in the Gorgona Plume
30 Thompson RN & Gibson SA:
Extremely Magnesian Olivines in Phanerozoic Picrites Signify Transient High Temperatures During Mantle Plume Impact
31 Wagner C:
Glasses in Mantle Xenoliths from Massif Central, France. Implications for Mantle Processes
32 Zanetti A, Oberti R, Piccardo GB & Vannucci R:
Light Lithophile (Li, Be and B), Volatile (H, F and Cl) and Trace Elements Composition of Mantle Amphiboles from Zabargad Peridotite: Insights into the Multistage Subsolidus Evolution of Sub-continental Mantle During Red Sea Rifting
33 Zhou X, Wilde S, Sun M, Chen S & Zhang G:
Timing Constraint on Multiple Events of Subcontinental Lithosphere: Inferred from SHRIMP U/Pb Ages of Lower Crust Xenoliths, North China Craton
34 Zou H & Reid M:
Mathematical Modeling of Trace Element Fractionation During Incongruent Dynamic Melting
1 Aiuppa A & D'Alessandro W:
Rainwater Chemistry in an Active Volcanic Area Mt. Etna, Italy
2 Akopova G, Vlasenko N & Sharikhina L:
Chemical Pollutants Eco-toxicants in the Environment of the
3 Brown K, McKenzie E, Cady S & Campbell K:
A Survey of Trace Metals and Microbiota in Geothermal Fluids and Sinter from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
4 Buckby T, Black S & Coleman M:
Processes of Persistent Heavy Metal Contamination in the Río Tinto, South West Spain
5 Druschel G, Hamers R & Banfield J:
Oxidation Kinetics of Tetrathionate at low pH: Implications for Pyrite Oxidation Mechanisms and Microbial Ecology in Acid Mine Drainage Environments
6 Farrelly D, Smith S & Mason JR:
The Bio-availability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils
7 Ferreux J, Steinmann M, Bertrand C, Dubois C & Paquette Y:
Mobilisation of Arsenic in Mine Tailings Subjected to Spontaneous Combustion
8 Gaskova O & Bortnikova E:
Chemical Predictive Modelling of Trace Elements Leaching from As-bearing Tailing Impoundment (Khovu-Aksy, Rep. Tuva, Russia)
9 Gritsenko A, Akopova G, Aighbulatov N & Amelin A:
Impact of the Constraction and Maintenance of the Underwater Gas Main-Line
10 Hallbeck L, Eriksson S & Katarina A:
Determination and Anaerobic Degradation of Diesel Components in Crystalline Rock and Groundwater
11 Irabien MJ, Yusta I, Zabaleta A & Alvaro AI:
Record of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Bilbao Estuary, Northern Spain
12 McArthur J, Ravenscroft P & Safiullah S:
Mechanisms of Arsenic Pollution of Groundwater in Sedimentary Aquifers: An Example from the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra Deltaic Plain of Bangladesh
13 Osenbrueck K, Heidinger M, Ertl S & Eichinger L:
Application of Compound-Specific 13C Isotope Investigations of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons at Polluted Groundwater Sites
14 Prommer H, Woolhouse KJ, Barry DA & Davis GB:
Reactive Multicomponent Transport Modelling of Contaminated Aquifers: Natural Attenuation of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Plume Under Sulphate-reducing Conditions
15 Quigley SP, Banwart SA & Lerner DN:
Oxidative Capacity of the Geosphere
16 Roy S & Négrel P:
Lead Contents and Lead Isotopes in the Labile Fraction of Sediments in Silicate-Drained Rocks: Evidence in Small Watersheds in the Massif Central (France)
17 Schneider P:
In-situ Treatment of Mining Waste Waters Using Fe(0) and Fe/Mn-Compounds
18 Shah NW & Banwart SA:
Natural Attenuation of Organic Pollutants in Groundwater: Anaerobic Biodegradation of Phenol Under Sulphate-Reducing Conditions
19 Teutsch N, Lyakhovsky V & Erel Y:
Penetration Rates of Pb in the Soil Calculated by a Numerical Model
20 Thornton S, Quigley S, Banwart S & Lerner D:
Characterising Redox Processes in a Chemically Stressed Contaminated Aquifer Using Dissolved H2
21 Tomschey O:
Trace Elements in Some Hungarian Brown Coals: Concentrations, Distributions and Bioavailability
22 Valentino GM:
Behavior of Toxic Elements in Hydrothermal Systems: As and Hg in the Thermal Waters of the Phlegraean Fields (Italy)
1 Barling J, Goldstein SL & Anbar AD:
Hf-Isotopes from Heard Island: A HIMU-MORB Connection?
2 Barnes S & Maier WD:
Platinum-Group Element and Chalcophile Element Distribution in the Merensky Reef, Western Bushveld Complex
3 Davis DW, Amelin Y, Nowell G & Parrish R:
Hf Isotopes in Zircon and Archaean Crustal Growth in the Western Superior Province
4 Frick LR, Lambert DD & Hoatson DM:
Magma Sources and Ore Formation in the Radio Hill Complex, West Pilbara Craton: A Re-Os Isotope Study
5 Rajesh HM:
Characterization and Origin of an Ultrapotassic Aluminous A-type Granitoid from Southwestern India
6 Kinnaird J, Ixer R & Barreiro B:
Contrasting Sources for Cu-polymetallic and Pb-Zn Mineralisation in Ireland: Constraints from Lead Isotope Modelling
7 Meli S & Sassi R:
Some Thoughts on the Geochemistry of the "Unique" Sample of the "Venice Granodiorite" (Northern Italy)
8 Musashi M & Eggenkamp HG:
Cl Isotope Compositions of Fumarolic Gas from a Japanese Volcanic Island
9 Robertson REA, Jackson T, Scott P & Sparks R:
Petrology and Mineralogy of Volcanic Centres in Southern St. Vincent, West Indies
10 Sushchevskaya N, Belyatsky B & Nikulin V:
Geochemical Heterogeneity of the Magmatism from the Ninetyeast and Investigator Ridges
11 Tepley III FJ, Davidson JP & Palacz Z:
The Role of Magmatic Versus Subsolidus Processes in Determining Mineral-Scale Isotopic Characteristics of the Rum Intrusive Complex
12 van der Zander I, Bruegmann G, Hofmann AW, McKenzie D & Mertz DF:
Osmium Isotope Signatures of Picrites and Basalts from Theistareykir (North Iceland)
13 Varga A, Szakmány G & Józsa S:
Geochemistry and Provenance of Carboniferous Sandstones: A Case Study in Boreholes and Redeposited Pebbles in Miocene Conglomerate (Tisza Unit, S Hungary)
14 Varol E, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Bellon H:
Petrology and Geochemistry of Balkuyumcu-Ankara Volcanics, Central Anatolia, Turkey
15 Willan RC, Boyce AJ & Fallick AE:
Silicification, Advanced-Argillic and Porphyry-Style Alteration in Basalts, South Shetland Island Volcanic Arc: Formation from Geothermal, Magmatic-Hydrothermal and Intrusive Systems
16 Yamaguchi KE, Bau M & Ohmoto H:
Constraints from REEs on the Processes and Environments for Precambrian Banded Iron Formations: Revaluation of the Data and Models