Goldschmidt 2000 Daily Programme

Cambridge Publications

Publishing for Science

Goldschmidt 2000

An International Conference for Geochemistry

September 3rd - 8th 2000

Oral Sessions, Tuesday, 5th September, 14:00 - 16:00

Symposium A

Terrestrial Planets and Meteorites

Convenors: Alex Halliday & Ed Young.

Location: Clarendon Lindemann.

14:00 Porcelli D, Woolum D & Cassen P:

Deep Mantle Rare Gases and Early Earth History

14:15 Trieloff M, Kunz J, Clague DA, Harrison D & Allègre CJ:

Noble Gases in the Loihi and Iceland Mantle Plume Sources and Constraints on Earth's Early History

14:30 Harrison TM & Mojzsis SJ:

Origin and Significance of ca. 3.85 Ga Zircons from West Greenland

14:45 Gillet P, Chen M, El Goresy A & Dubrovinsky L:

Hollandite in Shocked Meteorites: Clues for the Mineralogy of the Earth Mantle and Subducting Lithosphere

15:00 El Goresy A, Gillet P, Chen M, Dubrovinsky L & Sharp TG:

A New Natural Dense Polymorph of Rutile with the *-PbO2 Structure in Shocked Gneisses from the Ries Meteorite Crater, Germany

15:15 Fritz S & Chmiel G:

Experimental Simulation of Chemical Weathering in the Hadean Eon by Anhydrous and Hydrous HCl Vapor

15:30 Farquhar J, Bao H & Thiemens MH:

KEYNOTE Multiple-isotope Insights into the Earth's Earliest Sulfur Cycle

Symposium C

Subduction Zone Processes

Convenors: Jon Blundy, Chris Hawkesworth & Dave Rubie.

Location: Clarendon Townsend.

14:00 Brophy J:

Sector-zoned Augite Megacrysts in High Alumina Basalts with Implications for the Conditions of Basalt Crystallization and the Generation of Calc-alkaline Series Magmas

14:15 Reid MR & Coath CD:

Magma-Chronology: High Silica Rhyolite

14:30 Charlier B & Zellmer GF:

U-Th Dating of Oruanui Zircons, Taupo Volcanic Zone: Some Remarks on the Interpretation of U-series Mineral Isochron Data from Systems with Prolonged Crystallisation Histories

14:45 Thomas L, Blake S, Hawkesworth C, van Calsteren P & Jones S:

Short Crystal Residence Times and Complex Magmatic Evolution of the 3000 km3 Youngest Toba Tuff

15:00 Rutherford MJ & Hammer JE:

KEYNOTE Ascent and Crystallization of Magma beneath Arc Volcanoes

15:30 Rose E, Shimizu N, Layne G & Grove T:

Trace Element and Isotopic Characteristics of Primitive Melt Inclusions from Mt. Shasta, California

15:45 Ruiz J, Chesley J, Righter K & Ferrari L:

A View of Mantle Metasomatism Versus Crustal Contamination from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico

Symposium D

Rapid Climate Change (Continents/Oceans)

Convenors: Edouard Bard & Frank McDermott.

Location: Physical Chemistry.

14:00 Cacho-Lascorz I, Grimalt JO, Sierro FJ, Shackleton N, Canals M & Flores J:

Control of the Dansgaard-Oeschger Climatic Variability Over the Mediterranean Thermohaline Circulation

14:15 Sanchez Goñi MF, Turon J, Cacho I, Grimalt J, Sierro FJ, Flores JA & Shackleton N:

Were the Iberian Peninsula Environmental Changes Triggered by the Marine Changes of the Last Glacial Period?

14:30 Bard E:

Alkenone Temperature of the Pacific Warm Pool During the Last Two Glacial Cycles

14:45 Mangini A & Lomitschka M:

Deep Sea Corals Evidence Periodic Reduced Ventilation of the N. Atlantic During the LGM/Holocene Transition

15:00 Robinson LF, Henderson GM & Slowey NC:

U-Th Dating of Marine Isotope Stage Seven in Bahaman Slope Sediments

15:15 Esat T & Yokoyama Y:

Correlated Uranium and Sea-Level Fluctuations in Late Quaternary Oceans

15:30 Yokoyama Y, Esat T, Lambeck K & Fifield K:

Last Ice Age Millennial Scale Climate Changes Recorded in Huon Peninsula Corals

15:45 Stirling C, Esat T, Lambeck K, McCulloch M, Blake S, Lee D & Halliday A:

Northern Hemisphere Insolation Forcing of the 330,000 Year Sea-Level Highstand?
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium D

Symposium E

Biological Geochemistry

Convenors: Matthew Collins, Derek Lovely & Rob Raiswell.

Location: Oxford University Museum.

14:00 Elskens M, Cattaldo T, Cardinal D, Baeyens W & Dehairs F:

Assessing Flux Rates from Isotope Dilution Experiments and Numerical Modelling: Results for 15N and 135Ba Tracer Experiments

14:15 Burkill P & Taylor A:

What Level of Biology is Required to Model Marine Biogeochemical Cycling Globally?

14:30 Soetaert K, Herman P, Middelburg J & Lamy F:

Coupled Food-web and Bacterial-loop Modelling of a Lagrangian Experiment off the Iberian Margin

14:45 Chou L, Roevros N & Paucot H:

Geochemistry of Particulate Matter in the Northeast Atlantic Margin

15:00 Lancelot C, Hannon E, Sylvie B, Probst G, Goosse H, Schoemann V & de Baar H:

Modeling the Present-day CO2 Drawndown in the HNLC Southern Ocean

15:15 Crucifix M, Joos F & Berger A:

Modelling the Impacts of a Massive Freshwater Discharge in the North Atlantic Ocean on the Global Carbon Cycle

15:30 Mackenzie F & Guidry M:

Apatite Weathering and the Phanerozoic Phosphorus Cycle

15:45 Lerman A, Mackenzie FT & Ver LMB:

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Controls of the Carbon Cycle
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium E

Symposium G

Flow and Reaction of Fluids in Crust

Convenors: Marian Holness & Terry Seward.

Location: Zoology A.

14:00 Candela P, Frank M & Piccoli P:

Quantitative Modeling of Magmatic Volatile Phase Exsolution

14:15 Schwandner FM, Gize AP, Seward TM, Hall K & Dietrich VJ:

Natural Halocarbon Compounds in Volcanic Gases

14:30 Prinzhofer A, Battani A, Ballentine C, Deville E, Herbin JP & Houzay JP:

Gas Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes from Trinidad: Surface Evidence of Deep Gas Reservoirs, Modified by Vertical Migration

14:45 Kinnaird J, Kruger F & Cawthorn RG:

Fluorite and Fluids: Late Magmatic Radiogenic Behaviour in the Acid Phase of the Bushveld Complex

15:00 Cardellini C, Chiodini G, Frondini F, Giaquinto S, Parello F & Peruzzi L:

Quantification of Diffuse Carbon Dioxide Earth Degassing from Central Apennine (Italy): The Carbon Mass Balance in Regional Aquifers Approach

15:15 Ballentine CJ & Cassidy M:

Identifying the Mechanism and Character of Magmatic CO2 Emplacement into Sedimentary Structures II: Resolving Magmatic He, Ne and Ar in Harding County (New Mexico) CO2 Well Gases

15:30 Cathles L, Shosa J, Losh S & Meulbroek P:

Some Aspects of Multiphase Fluid Flow, Chemical Mass Transport, and Alteration in Sedimentary Basins

15:45 Hanor JS:

Siliciclastic Diagenesis and Quartz Precipitation Driven by Mixing of Rock-Buffered Fluids of Differing Chlorinity

Symposium H

Weathering and Erosion: Mechanisms and Rates

Convenors: Mike Bickle, Niels Hovius & Mike Summerfield.

Location: Zoology B+C.

14:00 Ruddiman W:

KEYNOTE Understanding the Links between Tectonics and Climate Change: Are We at an Impasse?

14:30 Oxburgh R:

Uplift, Chemical Weathering, Climate and Atmospheric CO2: Connections and Disconnections

14:45 Bickle M:

Orogenesis, Erosion and the Long-Term Carbon Cycle

15:00 Huh Y, Birck JL & Allègre CJ:

Osmium Isotopes and Continental Weathering

15:15 Ravizza G, Norris R & Blusztajn J:

Osmium Isotope Evidence of Increased Chemical Weathering Rates During the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum

15:30 Aléon J, Chaussidon M, Marty B, Jaenicke R & Schütz L:

18O/16O Ratios of Quartz Grains as a Proxy for Source Areas of Atmospheric Detritic Dust: The Case of the Eolian Erosion of the Sahara Desert

15:45 Frogner P, Gíslason S & Óskarsson N:

Fertilization Potential of Volcanic ash in Ocean Surface Waters
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium H

Symposium J

Mantle Dynamics and Melting

Convenors: Tim Elliott & Erik Hauri.

Location: Clarendon Martin Wood.

14:00 Klemme S & O'Neill H:

Cr-Spinels in the Earth's Mantle: Thermodynamics and Phase Relations at High Pressures and High Temperatures

14:15 Hirschmann M & Pertermann M:

KEYNOTE Application of MELTS to Pyroxenite Partial Melting in Basalt Source Regions

14:45 Francis D:

Is Primitive Mantle a Proterozoic Feature of the Earth?

15:00 Gibson S, Thompson R & Dickin A:

Heterogeneous Nature of Adiabatic Decompression Melts Generated in Upwelling Mantle Plume Heads

15:15 Green DH, Eggins S, Falloon T & Yaxley G:

Primary Magmas, Mantle Temperatures and Buoyancy Plumes

15:30 Nikogosian I, Elliott T & Touret JL:

Evolution of Parental Magmas beneath a Thick Lithosphere, La Palma, Canary Islands: Study of Melt, Fluid and Crystal Inclusions

15:45 Chavagnac V, Bowring SA, Parman SW & Carlson RW:

Nd-Hf Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Al-Depleted and Al-Undepleted Komatiites, the Onverwacht Group, South Africa
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium J

Symposium M

Chemistry and Microbiology of Pollution

Convenors: Adrian Bath & Barbara Sherwood-Lollar.

Location: Earth Sciences.

14:00 McGill RA, Pearce J, Fortey NJ, Watt J, Parrish RR, Young SD & Thornton I:

Contaminant Source Apportionment in Brownfield Soils by Combined SEM Image Analyses and Plasma Ionisation, Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometry (PIMMS)

14:15 Hudson-Edwards KA, Macklin MG, Brewer P, Coulthard TJ, Howard AJ, Nielsen MF, Turner J, Jamieson HE & Remenda VH:

Geochemistry of Rio Guadiamar Sediments Following the April 1998 Spanish Aznalcollar Mine Tailings dam Failure and Subsequent Clean-up

14:30 Charlet L & Peretyashko T:

Hg and CO2 Production Mechanism in the Petit Saut dam Reservoir, French Guyana: Fe2+ as key Actor

14:45 Wesolowski DJ, Xiao C & Palmer DA:

Metal Complexation Studies in Low-Temperature, Acid-Sulphate Waters Using Mercury/Mercurous Sulphate Concentration Cells

15:00 Evans K & Banwart S:

Controls on Iron/Sulphur Ratios on Spoil Heaps and in Mineworkings

15:15 Burke S & Banwart S:

The Effects of pH on Surface-Catalysed Oxidation of Aqueous Fe(II)

15:30 Stephens S, Alloway B, Carter J & Parker A:

Dredged Canal Sediments: Changes in Metal Leaching Behaviour on Drying and Oxidation

15:45 Hodson M, Valsami-Jones E & Cotter-Howells J:

Remediation of Heavily-metal-contaminated Soils by Bone Meal (Phosphate) Additions
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium M

Back to Goldschmidt 2000 Programme Overview

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