Goldschmidt 2000 Daily Programme

Cambridge Publications

Publishing for Science

Goldschmidt 2000

An International Conference for Geochemistry

September 3rd - 8th 2000

Oral Sessions, Monday, 4th September, 14:00 - 16:00

Symposium A

Terrestrial Planets and Meteorites

Convenors: Alex Halliday & Ed Young.

Location: Clarendon Lindemann.

14:00 Göpel C & Manhès G:

U/Pb Study of Feldspars: Constrains on the Initial Pb of Equilibrated Meteorites

14:15 Bodnar R & Zolensky M:

Liquid-Water Fluid Inclusions in Chondritic Meteorites: Implications for Near-Surface P-T Conditions on Parent Asteroids

14:30 Luais B:

Primary Metal-silicate Differentiation of Planetesimals: Isotopic Fractionation of Germanium in Iron Meteorites and in the Earth Crust

14:45 Liu M & Fleet ME:

Partitioning of Siderophile Elements in the Fe-Ni-S System: Evolution of Asteroidal Cores and Geochemistry of Earth's Core

15:00 Heber VS, Baur H & Wieler R:

Heavy Solar Noble Gases in Meteorites ­ New Insights into a Unique Archive of Solar Wind

15:15 Hopp J & Trieloff M:

40Ar-39Ar Ages of H-Chondrites: Constraints on Parent Body Thermal Metamorphism

15:30 Burgess R, Holland G, Fernandes V & Turner G:

New Ar-Ar Data on Nakhla Minerals

15:45 Zhu X, Guo Y, Galy A, O'Nions K, Young E & Ash R:

High Precision Iron Isotope Measurements in Meteorites
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium A

Symposium C

Subduction Zone Processes

Convenors: Jon Blundy, Chris Hawkesworth & Dave Rubie.

Location: Clarendon Townsend.

14:00 Parkinson IJ:

Composition of the Mantle Wedge: Insights from Osmium Isotopes

14:15 Pearce J, Kempton P & Nowell G:

The Origin of HFSE Anomalies in Subduction Zone Magmas: Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope and Element Covariations

14:30 Mysen BO & Wheeler K:

Solution Behaviour of H2O in Haploandesitic Melts in the Pressure-Temperature Regime of the Upper Mantle

14:45 Carmichael I:

Hydrous Mantle-derived Magmas in West-central Mexico; the Andesitic Aqueduct

15:00 Green DH & Lus W:

KEYNOTE Phase Relations and Magmatism in the Mantle Wedge Above Subduction Zones

15:30 Fumagalli P & Poli S:

Hydrates in Synthetic Peridotites and Mechanisms of Hydrogen Transport at High Pressure

15:45 Bolfan-Casanova N, Keppler H & Rubie DC:

Partitioning of Water between Magnesium Silicate Perovskite and Other High-Pressure Phases
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium C

Symposium D

Rapid Climate Change (Continents/Oceans)

Convenors: Edouard Bard & Frank McDermott.

Location: Physical Chemistry.

14:00 Fairchild IJ, Baker A & Huang Y:

Multi-element Trace Element Proxies in Speleothems

14:15 McGarry S, Hawkesworth C, Baker A & Caseldine C:

TIMS U-Th Dated Multiproxy Speleothem Records of Late Quaternary Climate and Environmental Change in England

14:30 Bar-Matthews M, Gilmour M, Ayalon A, Vax A, Kaufmann A, Frumkin A & Hawkesworth C:

Variation of Palaeoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean Region ­ As Derived from Speleothems in Various Climate Regimes in Israel

14:45 McDermott F, Mattey D & Hakesworth C:

Evidence for an Abrupt, High-Amplitude Climate Fluctuation c. 8,300 Years ago in a new Laser Ablation *18O Record for a Holocene Speleothem from S.W. Ireland

15:00 Burns S, Neff U, Mudelsee M, Fleitmann D, Mangini A & Matter A:

Evidence for Solar Forcing of the Indian Ocean Monsoon in a High-resolution Speleothem Record from Oman

15:15 Eikenberg J, Zumsteg I & Butterweck G:

226Ra/234U and 230Th/234U Dating of Holocene Corals and Speleothem

15:30 Ménot G & Burns SJ:

Climatic Significance of the 13C/12C and 18O/16O Variations in Organic Matter: Calibration in Modern Plants and Application to the Paleoclimate Analysis of the Last 3000 Years in Central Europe

15:45 Ayalon A & Longstaffe FJ:

Indications of Late Holocene Climate Change from Stable Isotope Variations in Soil Organic Carbon, Pedogenic Calcite and Land Snails from the Southern Great Lakes Region, Canada
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium D

Symposium E

Biological Geochemistry

Convenors: Matthew Collins, Derek Lovely & Rob Raiswell.

Location: Oxford University Museum.

14:00 Farrimond P, Innes H, Watson D, Talbot H & Head I:

Bacterial Hopanoids as Environmental Markers

14:15 Lee T & Chiu C:

Corals do not Lie About their Temperature

14:30 Swart PK:

Carbon Isotopic Records in Coral Skeletons: What do They Mean?

14:45 Kosler J, Kucera M, Holcova K, Symonova R & Sylvester P:

Li Isotopic Composition of Foraminiferal Tests: A Possible Proxy for Li Isotopic Composition of the Sea Water

15:00 Habermann D, Banerjee A, Goette T, Meijer J, Stephan A & Richter DK:

Preservation and Chemical Alteration of Biogenic Francolite and Calcite from Marine Organism

15:15 Reiche I, Peaudecerf A, Vignaud C, Menu M & Charlet L:

Impact of the Burial Environment on Archaeological Bone Preservation. The Example of the Neolithic Lacustrine Sites 19 and 21 of Chalain, France

15:30 Richards M:

Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Values in Bone Collagen from Europe, 0-40 ka: Implications for Climatic and Palaeodietary Research

15:45 Montgomery J, Evans J & Budd P:

Sr and Pb Isotopes for Tracking Human Historical and Ancient Migrations
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium E

Symposium G

Flow and Reaction of Fluids in Crust

Convenors: Marian Holness & Terry Seward.

Location: Zoology A.

14:00 Reyes AG:

KEYNOTE Fluid-Rock Interaction at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Interface of the Mt. Cagua and Mt. Mahagnao Geothermal Systems, the Philippines

14:30 Kastner M, Morris J, Chan L, Saether O, Luckge A & Silver E:

Three Distinct Fluid Systems at the Costa Rica Subduction Zone: Chemistry, Hydrology, and Fluxes

14:45 Teagle DA, Bickle MJ & Alt J:

High Temperature Mid-ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Flux Estimates from Sr-transport Modeling of Fluid-rock Exchange in Hole 504B

15:00 Arnórsson S & Stefánsson A:

Mineral-Solution Equilibria in Groundwater Systems

15:15 Mroczek EK, White SP & Mountain BW:

Precipitation Rates of Quartz from Wairakei (New Zealand) Geothermal Field Brine at Temperatures between 200oC and 250oC

15:30 Heinrich CA, Matthai SK & Driesner T:

Geologic Complexity in Fluid-Flow Models for Ore-Forming Hydrothermal Systems

15:45 James RH:

Copper Isotope Studies of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium G

Symposium H

Weathering and Erosion: Mechanisms and Rates

Convenors: Mike Bickle, Niels Hovius & Mike Summerfield.

Location: Zoology B+C.

14:00 Stone J & Vasconcelos P:

KEYNOTE Studies of Geomorphic Rates and Processes with Cosmogenic Isotopes ­ Examples from Australia

14:30 Vance D, Bickle MJ, Ivy-Ochs S & Kubik PW:

Cosmogenic Isotope Measurements of Erosion Rates in the Himalayas

14:45 Schaller M, von Blanckenburg F, Hovius N & Kubik PW:

Large-scale, Long-term Erosion Rates Determined from 10Be in European River Sediments

15:00 von Blanckenburg F, Schaller M, Veldkamp T, Kubik P & Hovius N:

Late Pleistocene to Holocene Erosion Rate Variations from Cosmogenic Nuclides in River Terrace Sediments

15:15 Négrel P, Kloppmann W, Garcin M & Giot D:

Chronology of Fluvial Sediments in the Loire River Valley Over the Past 8500 Years:

15:30 Schaefer JM, Orombelli G, Baroni C, Ivy-Ochs S, Wieler R, Baur H, Oberholzer P, Kubik PW & Schluchter C:

Comparing Cosmogenic Nuclide Studies in the Dry Valleys and the Terra Nova Bay Area: Is the Antiquity of the Dry Valleys' Block Unique in Antarctica?

15:45 Tucker G:

Weathering, Erosion, and the Tempo of Landscape Change: A Theoretical Evaluation
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium H

Symposium J

Mantle Dynamics and Melting

Convenors: Tim Elliott & Erik Hauri.

Location: Clarendon Martin Wood.

14:00 Spiegelman M:

KEYNOTE Making...Moving...Mixing? The Role of Magma Transport in Controlling Observable Geochemical Variation in Mantle Melts

14:30 Maclennan J, McKenzie D, Hilton F & Gronvold K:

Geochemical Variability in a Single Flow from NE Iceland

14:45 Sobolev A & Hofmann A:

Extreme Compositional Variability of Hawaiian Primary Melts: The Clue to the Origin of Classical Mantle Plume?

15:00 Bryce JG, Shuster DL, Dodson A, DePaolo DJ & Kennedy BM:

Structure of the Hawaiian Plume from the Isotopic Trail of Senescence of the Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea Volcanoes

15:15 Heumann A, Blichert-Toft J, Koetsier G & Elliott T:

Sao Miguel, Revisited: New Perspectives on the Mantle Source and Melting Processes beneath the Azores

15:30 Saal A, Kurz M, Hart S, Blusztajn J, Layne G, Sims K & Geist D:

U Series Isotopic Variability in Galapagos Lavas, Evidence of a Mildly Buoyant Plume

15:45 Hawkesworth C, Thomas L, Kokfelt T & Turner S:

Melt Generation and Differentiation for Central Atlantic OIB
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium J

Symposium K

Life in Extreme Environments

Convenors: Mike Russell & Everett Shock.

Location: Earth Sciences.

14:00 Catling DC & McKay CP:

KEYNOTE Aqueous Iron Chemistry on Early Mars: Was it Influenced by Life?

14:30 Wynn-Williams DD, Edwards HG & Newton EM:

Key Survival Biomolecules for Extreme Polar Deserts: Antarctica and Mars

14:45 Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M:

The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions

15:00 Benzerara K, Lemelle L, Heulin T, Barakat M, Lesourd M, Guyot F & Gillet P:

Experimental Study of Culture Media of a Bacteria from Dry Environment

15:15 Haese RR & De Lange GJ:

Pore Water Geochemistry of CH4-rich Mud Volcano Sediments in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Implications for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation, Presence of Gas Hydrates, and Intensive Irrigation

15:30 Pancost R, Hopmans E, Werne J & Sinninghe Damste J:

Heterogeneity Of Anaerobic Methane-Oxidizing Archaeal Communities in the Mediterranean Inferred from Lipid Distributions And Carbon Isotopic Compositions

15:45 Bouloubassi I, Aloisi G, Pancost RD, Sinninghe Damste JS, Pierre C & MEDINAUT Scientific Party:

Lipid Biomarkers in Carbonate Crusts from Mud Volcanoes of the Eastern Mediterranean Ridge: Implications for Methane Oxidation
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium K

Symposium O

Ocean Chemistry

Convenor: Nigel Harris.

Location: Inorganic Chemistry.

14:00 McCulloch M, Fallon S, Alibert C & Sinclair D:

Sentinels of the Marine Environment: High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Analyses of Corals from the Great Barrier Reef

14:15 Arvidson RS & Mackenzie FT:

Geochemical Cycling of Major Seawater Components Over the Past 150 Ma

14:30 Decitre S, Deloule E, Reisberg L, James R, Mevel C & Agrinier P:

Li Behaviour During Serpentinisation of Oceanic Peridotites

14:45 Lancelot C, Hannon E, Sylvie B, Probst G, Goosse H, Schoemann V & de Baar H:

Modeling the Present-day CO2 Drawndown in the HNLC Southern Ocean

15:00 Lasaga AC & Ohmoto H:

The Oxygen Geochemical Cycle: Dynamics, Stability and Evolution

15:15 Smedley P, Nicolli H & Macdonald D:

Hydrogeochemistry of Arsenic and Other Problem Constituents in Groundwaters from La Pampa, Argentina

15:30 Lemarchand D, Gaillardet J, Lewin E & Allègre C:

Models of Secular Evolution of the Boron Isotopic Ratio in the Oceans: Implications for Oceanic Paleo-pH Reconstruction

15:45 Cave RR, German CR, Khripounoff A, Nesbitt RW & Thomson J:

A Spatial and Temporal Record of the Hydrothermal Plume at Rainbow, 36N on the MAR
Programme for the Next Session in Symposium O

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