Cambridge Publications | ![]() |
Publishing for Science |
September 3rd - 8th 2000
14:00 Göpel C & Manhès G:
U/Pb Study of Feldspars: Constrains on the Initial Pb of Equilibrated Meteorites
14:15 Bodnar R & Zolensky M:
Liquid-Water Fluid Inclusions in Chondritic Meteorites: Implications for Near-Surface P-T Conditions on Parent Asteroids
14:30 Luais B:
Primary Metal-silicate Differentiation of Planetesimals: Isotopic Fractionation of Germanium in Iron Meteorites and in the Earth Crust
14:45 Liu M & Fleet ME:
Partitioning of Siderophile Elements in the Fe-Ni-S System: Evolution of Asteroidal Cores and Geochemistry of Earth's Core
15:00 Heber VS, Baur H & Wieler R:
Heavy Solar Noble Gases in Meteorites New Insights into a Unique Archive of Solar Wind
15:15 Hopp J & Trieloff M:
40Ar-39Ar Ages of H-Chondrites: Constraints on Parent Body Thermal Metamorphism
15:30 Burgess R, Holland G, Fernandes V & Turner G:
New Ar-Ar Data on Nakhla Minerals
15:45 Zhu X, Guo Y, Galy A, O'Nions K, Young E & Ash R:
High Precision Iron Isotope Measurements in Meteorites
14:00 Parkinson IJ:
Composition of the Mantle Wedge: Insights from Osmium Isotopes
14:15 Pearce J, Kempton P & Nowell G:
The Origin of HFSE Anomalies in Subduction Zone Magmas: Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope and Element Covariations
14:30 Mysen BO & Wheeler K:
Solution Behaviour of H2O in Haploandesitic Melts in the Pressure-Temperature Regime of the Upper Mantle
14:45 Carmichael I:
Hydrous Mantle-derived Magmas in West-central Mexico; the Andesitic Aqueduct
15:00 Green DH & Lus W:
KEYNOTE Phase Relations and Magmatism in the Mantle Wedge Above Subduction Zones
15:30 Fumagalli P & Poli S:
Hydrates in Synthetic Peridotites and Mechanisms of Hydrogen Transport at High Pressure
15:45 Bolfan-Casanova N, Keppler H & Rubie DC:
Partitioning of Water between Magnesium Silicate Perovskite and Other High-Pressure Phases
14:00 Fairchild IJ, Baker A & Huang Y:
Multi-element Trace Element Proxies in Speleothems
14:15 McGarry S, Hawkesworth C, Baker A & Caseldine C:
TIMS U-Th Dated Multiproxy Speleothem Records of Late Quaternary Climate and Environmental Change in England
14:30 Bar-Matthews M, Gilmour M, Ayalon A, Vax A, Kaufmann A, Frumkin A & Hawkesworth C:
Variation of Palaeoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean Region As Derived from Speleothems in Various Climate Regimes in Israel
14:45 McDermott F, Mattey D & Hakesworth C:
Evidence for an Abrupt, High-Amplitude Climate Fluctuation c. 8,300 Years ago in a new Laser Ablation *18O Record for a Holocene Speleothem from S.W. Ireland
15:00 Burns S, Neff U, Mudelsee M, Fleitmann D, Mangini A & Matter A:
Evidence for Solar Forcing of the Indian Ocean Monsoon in a High-resolution Speleothem Record from Oman
15:15 Eikenberg J, Zumsteg I & Butterweck G:
226Ra/234U and 230Th/234U Dating of Holocene Corals and Speleothem
15:30 Ménot G & Burns SJ:
Climatic Significance of the 13C/12C and 18O/16O Variations in Organic Matter: Calibration in Modern Plants and Application to the Paleoclimate Analysis of the Last 3000 Years in Central Europe
15:45 Ayalon A & Longstaffe FJ:
Indications of Late Holocene Climate Change from Stable Isotope Variations in Soil Organic Carbon, Pedogenic Calcite and Land Snails from the Southern Great Lakes Region, Canada
14:00 Farrimond P, Innes H, Watson D, Talbot H & Head I:
Bacterial Hopanoids as Environmental Markers
14:15 Lee T & Chiu C:
Corals do not Lie About their Temperature
14:30 Swart PK:
Carbon Isotopic Records in Coral Skeletons: What do They Mean?
14:45 Kosler J, Kucera M, Holcova K, Symonova R & Sylvester P:
Li Isotopic Composition of Foraminiferal Tests: A Possible Proxy for Li Isotopic Composition of the Sea Water
15:00 Habermann D, Banerjee A, Goette T, Meijer J, Stephan A & Richter DK:
Preservation and Chemical Alteration of Biogenic Francolite and Calcite from Marine Organism
15:15 Reiche I, Peaudecerf A, Vignaud C, Menu M & Charlet L:
Impact of the Burial Environment on Archaeological Bone Preservation. The Example of the Neolithic Lacustrine Sites 19 and 21 of Chalain, France
15:30 Richards M:
Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Values in Bone Collagen from Europe, 0-40 ka: Implications for Climatic and Palaeodietary Research
15:45 Montgomery J, Evans J & Budd P:
Sr and Pb Isotopes for Tracking Human Historical and Ancient Migrations
14:00 Reyes AG:
KEYNOTE Fluid-Rock Interaction at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Interface of the Mt. Cagua and Mt. Mahagnao Geothermal Systems, the Philippines
14:30 Kastner M, Morris J, Chan L, Saether O, Luckge A & Silver E:
Three Distinct Fluid Systems at the Costa Rica Subduction Zone: Chemistry, Hydrology, and Fluxes
14:45 Teagle DA, Bickle MJ & Alt J:
High Temperature Mid-ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Flux Estimates from Sr-transport Modeling of Fluid-rock Exchange in Hole 504B
15:00 Arnórsson S & Stefánsson A:
Mineral-Solution Equilibria in Groundwater Systems
15:15 Mroczek EK, White SP & Mountain BW:
Precipitation Rates of Quartz from Wairakei (New Zealand) Geothermal Field Brine at Temperatures between 200oC and 250oC
15:30 Heinrich CA, Matthai SK & Driesner T:
Geologic Complexity in Fluid-Flow Models for Ore-Forming Hydrothermal Systems
15:45 James RH:
Copper Isotope Studies of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
14:00 Stone J & Vasconcelos P:
KEYNOTE Studies of Geomorphic Rates and Processes with Cosmogenic Isotopes Examples from Australia
14:30 Vance D, Bickle MJ, Ivy-Ochs S & Kubik PW:
Cosmogenic Isotope Measurements of Erosion Rates in the Himalayas
14:45 Schaller M, von Blanckenburg F, Hovius N & Kubik PW:
Large-scale, Long-term Erosion Rates Determined from 10Be in European River Sediments
15:00 von Blanckenburg F, Schaller M, Veldkamp T, Kubik P & Hovius N:
Late Pleistocene to Holocene Erosion Rate Variations from Cosmogenic Nuclides in River Terrace Sediments
15:15 Négrel P, Kloppmann W, Garcin M & Giot D:
Chronology of Fluvial Sediments in the Loire River Valley Over the Past 8500 Years:
15:30 Schaefer JM, Orombelli G, Baroni C, Ivy-Ochs S, Wieler R, Baur H, Oberholzer P, Kubik PW & Schluchter C:
Comparing Cosmogenic Nuclide Studies in the Dry Valleys and the Terra Nova Bay Area: Is the Antiquity of the Dry Valleys' Block Unique in Antarctica?
15:45 Tucker G:
Weathering, Erosion, and the Tempo of Landscape Change: A Theoretical Evaluation
14:00 Spiegelman M:
KEYNOTE Making...Moving...Mixing? The Role of Magma Transport in Controlling Observable Geochemical Variation in Mantle Melts
14:30 Maclennan J, McKenzie D, Hilton F & Gronvold K:
Geochemical Variability in a Single Flow from NE Iceland
14:45 Sobolev A & Hofmann A:
Extreme Compositional Variability of Hawaiian Primary Melts: The Clue to the Origin of Classical Mantle Plume?
15:00 Bryce JG, Shuster DL, Dodson A, DePaolo DJ & Kennedy BM:
Structure of the Hawaiian Plume from the Isotopic Trail of Senescence of the Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea Volcanoes
15:15 Heumann A, Blichert-Toft J, Koetsier G & Elliott T:
Sao Miguel, Revisited: New Perspectives on the Mantle Source and Melting Processes beneath the Azores
15:30 Saal A, Kurz M, Hart S, Blusztajn J, Layne G, Sims K & Geist D:
U Series Isotopic Variability in Galapagos Lavas, Evidence of a Mildly Buoyant Plume
15:45 Hawkesworth C, Thomas L, Kokfelt T & Turner S:
Melt Generation and Differentiation for Central Atlantic OIB
14:00 Catling DC & McKay CP:
KEYNOTE Aqueous Iron Chemistry on Early Mars: Was it Influenced by Life?
14:30 Wynn-Williams DD, Edwards HG & Newton EM:
Key Survival Biomolecules for Extreme Polar Deserts: Antarctica and Mars
14:45 Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M:
The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions
15:00 Benzerara K, Lemelle L, Heulin T, Barakat M, Lesourd M, Guyot F & Gillet P:
Experimental Study of Culture Media of a Bacteria from Dry Environment
15:15 Haese RR & De Lange GJ:
Pore Water Geochemistry of CH4-rich Mud Volcano Sediments in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Implications for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation, Presence of Gas Hydrates, and Intensive Irrigation
15:30 Pancost R, Hopmans E, Werne J & Sinninghe Damste J:
Heterogeneity Of Anaerobic Methane-Oxidizing Archaeal Communities in the Mediterranean Inferred from Lipid Distributions And Carbon Isotopic Compositions
15:45 Bouloubassi I, Aloisi G, Pancost RD, Sinninghe Damste JS, Pierre C & MEDINAUT Scientific Party:
Lipid Biomarkers in Carbonate Crusts from Mud Volcanoes of the Eastern Mediterranean Ridge: Implications for Methane Oxidation
14:00 McCulloch M, Fallon S, Alibert C & Sinclair D:
Sentinels of the Marine Environment: High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Analyses of Corals from the Great Barrier Reef
14:15 Arvidson RS & Mackenzie FT:
Geochemical Cycling of Major Seawater Components Over the Past 150 Ma
14:30 Decitre S, Deloule E, Reisberg L, James R, Mevel C & Agrinier P:
Li Behaviour During Serpentinisation of Oceanic Peridotites
14:45 Lancelot C, Hannon E, Sylvie B, Probst G, Goosse H, Schoemann V & de Baar H:
Modeling the Present-day CO2 Drawndown in the HNLC Southern Ocean
15:00 Lasaga AC & Ohmoto H:
The Oxygen Geochemical Cycle: Dynamics, Stability and Evolution
15:15 Smedley P, Nicolli H & Macdonald D:
Hydrogeochemistry of Arsenic and Other Problem Constituents in Groundwaters from La Pampa, Argentina
15:30 Lemarchand D, Gaillardet J, Lewin E & Allègre C:
Models of Secular Evolution of the Boron Isotopic Ratio in the Oceans: Implications for Oceanic Paleo-pH Reconstruction
15:45 Cave RR, German CR, Khripounoff A, Nesbitt RW & Thomson J:
A Spatial and Temporal Record of the Hydrothermal Plume at Rainbow, 36N on the MAR