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Publishing for Science |
September 3rd - 8th 2000
09:00 Osmaston M:
A new Scenario for Forming the Solar Planetary System; Dynamics, Cores and Chemistry
09:15 Yin Q & Jacobsen S:
Supernova Isotopic Signatures in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Implications for CHUR Parameters
09:30 McKeegan KD, Chaussidon M & Robert F:
Lived 10Be in a Refractory Inclusion from the Allende Meteorite: A Case for Intense Irradiation of the Protosolar Nebula?
09:45 Leya I, Wieler R & Halliday AN:
The Influence of Cosmic Ray Production on Extinct Nuclide Systems
10:00 Münker C, Weyer S, Mezger K, Rehkämper M, Wombacher F & Bischoff A:
92Nb-92Zr in the Early Solar System
10:15 Sanloup C, Blichert-Toft J, Télouk P, Gillet P & Albarède F:
Evidence for Extinct 92Nb Radioactivity in Chondrites and SNC Meteorites
10:30 Dauphas N, Marty B & Reisberg L:
In Search of Live 97Tc in the Early Solar System
10:45 Henkel T, Stephan T, Jessberger EK, Hoppe P & Strebel R:
TOF-SIMS Analysis of Presolar SiC X-grains
11:00 Verchovsky A, Wright I, Fisenko A, Semjonova L & Pillinger C:
Ion Implantation into Presolar Diamonds: Experimental Simulation
11:15 Whitby J, Turner G, Russell S & Gilmour J:
I-Xe Dating of CAI's and Chondrules from CV3 Meteorites
11:30 Miller MF, Franchi IA & Pillinger CT:
A New Source of Mass Independent Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes: Evidence and Geochemical Implications
11:45 Galy A & O'Nions RK:
Is There a CHUR for Mg?
09:00 Revillon S, Barr S, Brewer T, Harvey P, Tarney J & Leg 185 Shipboard Scientific Party:
The Importance of Core-log Integration in Calculations of Element Budgets; Mariana Subduction Factory, ODP Leg 185, Site 801C
09:15 Ishizuka O, Nesbitt RW, Taylor RN, Yuasa M, Uto K & Hochstaedter AG:
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Back-arc Volcanism in the Izu-Bonin Arc Chemical Variation in Relation to Volcano-tectonic History
09:30 Morris J & Tera F:
Beryllium Isotope Systematics of Volcanic Arc Cross-chains
09:45 Kempton PD, Pearce JA & Tappin D:
Hf Isotope Evidence for Mantle Domain Boundaries in the Western Pacific
10:00 Dosseto A & Bourdon B:
238U-234U-230Th-226Ra and 235U-231Pa Radioactive Disequilibria in Volcanic Rocks from Kamchatka, Russia
10:15 Macpherson C, Forde E, Hall R & Thirlwall M:
Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Magmatism in an Arc -Arc Collision: The Halmahera and Sangihe Arcs, Eastern Indonesia
10:30 Brueckner HK:
Geochemistry and Age Patterns of Garnet Peridotite in Subducted Continental Crust
10:45 Discussion:
11:00 Davies JH:
KEYNOTE Thermal Structure, Water Transport, and Melt Propagation at Subduction Zones
11:30 Bourdon B, Turner S & Allègre C:
231Pa-235U Systematics and the Time Scales of Melting Processes beneath the Tonga-Kermadec Arcs
11:45 Asmerom Y, Mukasa S, Cheng H & Edwards RL:
Pa-Th-U Constraints on Melting and Material Recycling in Subduction Zones: A Case Study of the Philippine Arcs
09:00 Sharma M:
Long-term Variations in Solar Magnetic Activity: Is There a Sun-Climate Connection?
09:15 Ihlenfeld C, Webb J, Maas R & Drysdale R:
The Record of El Niño Events in Terrestrial Carbonates: Preliminary Results of a High-resolution Isotope and Trace Element Study
09:30 Tamburini F, Adatte T, Steinmann P & Föllmi K:
Phosphorus Geochemistry of Marine Records: Examples from Diverse Oceanographic Settings
09:45 Kaljo D & Martma T:
Carbon Isotopic Test of Silurian Oceanic Episodes
10:00 Pomies C & Davies G:
Neodymium Isotopes in Modern Foraminifera from Indian Ocean: Assessment of the Use of Nd Isotope Composition of Foraminifera as a Tracer for Palaeo-oceanic Circulation Changes
10:15 Brassell S & Wang R:
Molecular Signals of Climatic Change Over the Last 30,000 Years in Zabuye Salt Lake Sediments, Tibet
10:30 Nagler TF & Eisenhauer A:
*44Ca-Temperature Calibration on Fossil and Cultured G. sacculifer: A new Proxy for the Reconstruction of Palaeo Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Fluctuations
10:45 Vlastélic I, Abouchami W, Galer S, Claude-Ivanaj C & Hofmann A:
The Distribution of Lead Isotopes in the Indian Ocean
11:00 Sarma VVSS, Bard E & Hamelin B:
Evidence for Diagenetic Re-distribution of Uranium in the Equatorial Arabian Sea
11:15 Cohen A & Coe A:
An Ultra-high Resolution Record of Miocene Climate Change: The Organic-rich Mudrock Successions of the Monterey Formation, California
11:30 Huang Y, McDermott F, Hawkesworh CJ & Fairchild IJ:
U Isotope Systematics in Four European Stalagmites: New Insights and Implications for Palaeoclimatic Reconstruction
11:45 Beets CJ & Beets DJ:
The Penultimate Deglaciation in Western Europe: A Case-study from Amsterdam Basin, The Netherlands
09:00 Knoll A:
KEYNOTE Biological Signatures in the Rock Record
09:30 Engel M & Macko S:
Life Prior to the Terrestrial Rock Record
09:45 McDonald G, Bada J, Brinton K, Glavin D, Dorn E & Storrie-Lombardi M:
Search Strategies for Organic Bio-signatures in Extraterrestrial Samples
10:00 Butterfield NJ:
The Early Evolution of Eukaryotic Heterotrophy
10:15 Love GD:
Exploring Biomarker Lipid Information Preserved in Complex Macromolecules
10:30 Fleck S, Michels R, Faure P, Schlepp L, Elie M, Ashkan S & Landais P:
Constraints on the Paleoenvironement Interpretation of Steranes from Ancient Sediments
10:45 Abbott G, Edwards D, Drage T & Vane C:
Molecular Characterization of Some of the Earliest Terrestrial Organisms
11:00 Schouten S, Özdirekcan S, van Dongen BE, van der Meer MT & Sinninghe Damsté JS:
Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotopes: The Effect of Biosynthetic Pathways
11:15 van Duin A & Collins M:
Investigation into Amino Acid Racemization Pathways Using Computational Chemical Methods
11:30 Nguyen R & Harvey R:
Preservation of Protein in Phytodetritus and Sediments via Macromolecular Aggregations
11:45 Schall M, Ostrom P, Leykam J, Gandhi H, McNulty T & Gage D:
New Insights into Ancient Proteins from Traditional and Novel Mass Spectrometric Approaches
09:00 Aranovich L:
KEYNOTE The Petrologic Case for a Fluid-Present High-Grade Metamorphism
09:30 Walther JV:
Darcy Flow at Fluid Pressure Equal Rock Pressure
09:45 Lewis S, Graham C, Thomas C, Bond C & Holness M:
Time-scales and Mechanisms of Metamorphic Fluid Flow from Integrated Textural and 18O/16O Micro-analysis Studies of Metacarbonates: Evidence for Transient Flow Events
10:00 Matthews A, Putlitz B, Gutkin V & Hamiel Y:
Volatile Transport and Fluid-Rock Interaction in Aplites and Pegmatites Associated with the Crystallization of Anatectic Melts, Naxos, Greece
10:15 McCaig AM, Guest R, Graham C & Banks D:
Generation of Permeability in Metamorphic Rocks by Reaction with Basinal Brines: Dolomitisation in the SW Highlands of Scotland
10:30 Jamtveit B, Malthe Sörenssen A & Austrheim H:
Retrogressive Metamorphism: Mechanisms of Fluid Introduction to Impermeable Rocks
10:45 Nabelek P:
Lithologically-controlled Fluid Pathways on Thin-section Scale in the Notch Peak Calc-silicate Contact Aureole, Utah, USA
11:00 Wada H:
Microscale Stable Isotopic Zonation in the Crust and Formation of Isotopic and Chemical Fronts During Contact Metamorphism
11:15 Touret JL:
Fluids and Melts in Lower Crustal Granulites: The Inclusion Evidence
11:30 Gleeson S, Grant K & Roberts S:
Fluid Inclusion *D in Quartz Does Not Always Indicate the Source of Palaeo-hydrothermal Fluids
11:45 Banks D & Yardley B:
Tracking Brines in Crustal Processes
09:00 Hauri E:
KEYNOTE Mantle Components and Mantle Reservoirs: Bridging the Disconnect
09:30 Michel L:
New Interpretation of Earth-mantle Heterogeneities Favoring a Whole Convective Mantle Structure
09:45 Joron J, Treuil M, Lewin É & Allègre C:
Trace Elements Systematics in Basalts: A Global Approach
10:00 Discussion:
10:15 Eiler J, Kitchen N, Gronvold K, McKenzie D, Stracke A & Zindler A:
Oxygen Isotope Variations in Recent Magnesian Lavas from Iceland's Northern Neovolcanic Zone
10:30 Elliott T & Koetsier G:
U-Th Disequilibrium from Picrites to Tholeiites in the Iceland Rift
10:45 Smit Y, Parkinson I, Hawkesworth C, Cohen A & Peate D:
Low 187Os/188Os Isotope Ratios in Icelandic Basalts
11:00 Kempton PD, Fitton JG, Francis D & Lass S:
N-MORB or a Depleted Plume Component? Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of Tertiary Picritic and Basaltic Lava Flows from Baffin Island
11:15 Regelous M, Hofmann AW, Abouchami W & Galer SJG:
The Geochemical Evolution of Hawaiian Magmatism Since the Mesozoic: Evidence from Lavas from the Emperor Seamounts
11:30 Abouchami W, Hofmann A & Galer S:
Lead Isotopic Evidence for Multiple Components in the Hawaiian Plume
11:45 Hofmann AW:
An Endangered Geochemical Paradigm? The Relationship of Melts to Sources
09:00 Shock E:
KEYNOTE Characterizing the Biotic Fringe in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
09:30 Amend J:
Novel Hyper-thermophiles from Well-known and Previously Unexplored Shallow Marine Hydrothermal Sites
09:45 Summit M & Baross J:
Using Microbiology as a Tool to Explore Mid-ocean Ridge Sub-seafloor Systems
10:00 Meyer DR, Shock EL & Amend JP:
Geochemical Microenvironments in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
10:15 Manning DAC & Cross MM:
Rates and Mechanisms of Thermochemical Sulphate Reduction in Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems: Implications for Nutrient Supply to Ocean Ridge Communities
10:30 Helgeson HC, Afonso GJ & LaRowe DE:
Thermodynamic Calculation of the Relative Stabilities of Enzymes, DNA, and Other Biomacromolecules Under Extreme Conditions of Temperature and pH
10:45 Russell MJ, Hall AJ & Mellersh AR:
The First Bacterial Habitats: What was Normal, What was Extreme?
11:00 Lovley D, Kashefi K, Tor J, Vargas M & Reysenbach A:
Microbial Reduction of Iron in Hot Environments: Implications for the Geochemistry of Ancient and Modern Environments
11:15 Konhauser K, Phoenix V & Adams D:
The Role of Biomineralization as an Ultraviolet Shield
11:30 Rosing M & Frei R:
Getting out of the Extreme: Possible Indications of Pre-3700 Ma Oxygenic Photosynthesis from Isua, West Greenland
11:45 Vreeland R, Rosenzweig W, Lowenstein T & Powers D:
Alive After 250 Million Years: Isolation of Live Permian Microorganisms
09:00 Sprik M & Boek E:
KEYNOTE Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Model Smectite Clay System
09:30 de Leeuw NH & Parker SC:
Modelling the Effect of Magnesium and Cadmium Ions on Calcite Growth and Dissolution
09:45 Ojo S, Slater B & Catlow R:
The Computer Simulation Of Calcite Growth Inhibition: A Monophosphonate Study
10:00 Becker U, Risthaus P & Bosbach D:
Molecular Simulations and AFM Observations on the Interaction of Organic Growth Inhibitors and Ionic Strength on the Crystal Growth of Barite and Celestite
10:15 Dysthe DK, Porcheron F & Rousseau B:
Molecular Simulation of Pressure Solution Interfaces Diffusion and Dynamic Interface Structure
10:30 Chialvo A, Simonson JM & Cummings P:
KEYNOTE Molecular Simulation of Hydrothermal Solutions
11:00 Weare JH, Duan Z & Moller N:
Molecular Simulation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Fluids: Liquid/Vapor Equilibria in and Around the Critical Region in the Water System
11:15 Tossell J:
Theoretical Studies on Synergistic Interactions between Transition Metals and Heavy Metalloids
11:30 Vinograd VL & Putnis A:
Spin Models of Aluminosilicates
11:45 Allan NL, Blundy JD, Purton JA & Lavrentiev MY:
Mineral Simulations at High Temperatures and/or High Pressures Monte Carlo, Lattice Dynamics and Ab Initio Studies
09:00 Handler M, Wysoczanski R & Gamble J:
Lithospheric Mantle Evolution and Plume-Lithosphere Interaction in Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica: Sr, Nd, Os and Pb Isotopes in Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths
09:15 Zhang H, Lu F, Liu Y, Zhou X, Sun M & Zhou M:
Fertile Lithosphere Mantle beneath Yangtze Craton: Evidence from a Garnet Lherzolite from Dahongshan Kimberlite, Hubei, China
09:30 Kadik A, Pineau F, Litvin Y, Jendrzejewski N, Martinez I & Javoy M:
Formation of Carbon and Hydrogen Species in Magmas at low Oxygen Fugacity
09:45 White RV, Crowley JL, Nowell GM & Parrish RR:
Probing the Hf Isotope Systematics of the Sub-Continental Mantle at 3.5 Ga: The Tarssartôq Dykes of the Isua Region, Southern West Greenland
10:00 Chinn I, Kyser K & Viljoen F:
Microdiamonds from the Thirsty Lake (Akluilâk) Dyke, Northwest Territories, Canada
10:15 Schmickler B, Jacob D & Foley S:
Sanidine and Orthopyroxene Bearing Eclogite Xenoliths from the Zero Kimberlite Pipe
10:30 Mueller W, Stachel T, Harris JW & Halliday AN:
Isotopic Composition of the Earth's Lower Mantle from Ca-silicate Inclusions in Diamonds
10:45 Koppers A, Phipps Morgan J & Staudigel H:
Contrasting Mantle Convection Models by Modeling their Geochemical Evolution with the Terra Nova Toolbox (TnT2000)
11:00 Gautheron C & Moreira M:
Helium Residence Time in the Subcontinental Mantle
11:15 Weyer S, Muenker C, Rehkaemper M & Mezger K:
Unusually low Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta Ratios in the Depleted Mantle: Precise ID Analysis of Ultra low Concentrations by MC-ICPMS
11:30 Luguet A, Alard O, Lorand J, Pearson N, Ryan C & O'Reilly S:
Platinum Group Elements Geochemistry of Abyssal Peridotites: An Integrated Study in the MARK Area (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 20-24 N) Using ICP-MS, LAM-ICPMS, SEM and Nuclear Microprobe (NMP)
11:45 McDade P, Burgess S & Harte B:
The Continuing Problems of Ni in Garnet Thermometry: A SIMS Study of Ni in the Jagersfontein Peridotite Garnets