This paper deals with an analyse of the REE content from the Furcatura and Petreanu granitoid bodies, trying a connection between these ones in the above mentioned granitoids.
REE content, rare-earth element patterns, S REE and some characteristic calculated ratios Eu/Sm, LREE/HREE for the considered granitoids emphasised following:
* REE is lower in the Furcatura granitoid then in the Petreanu one, varying between 50.12 - 148.8 for Furcatura and 85.43 - 389.85 for Petreanu;
* Eu/Sm ratios exhibit relatively the same values for both massifs: 0.092 - 0.273 for Furcatura and 0.178 - 0.275 for Petreanu;
* L REE / H REE ratios have a very large variation: 12.32 - 152.5 for Furcatura and 23.27 - 341.45 for Petreanu; generally the Furcatura granitoid values are much lower and enclosed in the lower part of the Petreanu massif values;
* REE patterns for both granitoids (little or no Eu anomaly) are similar; the shape and the delimited areas for two magmatic bodies are the same, but these patterns are situated different in the field of the diagrams (at the lower values for Furcatura
granitoid comparatively with Petreanu one);
* REE variation in both granitoids emphasised the existence of the residual source, composed from plagioclase and small quantities of garnet amphibole or pyroxene.
The similar REE variation in both granitoids and the relative REE depleting in Furcatura body comparatively with Petreanu one, suggests the existence of the same magma, evolving at the different levels of the crust.