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All abstracts by Desiree Roerdink in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Conductive Cooling and Microbial Carbon Transformations in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids at Loki’s Castle
Viflot T, Reeves E, Vulcano F, Seewald E, Roerdink D, Steen I & Barreyre T

(2019) Tracing Subsurface Iron Cycling in the Sediment-Influenced Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Vent Field with Stable Fe Isotopes
Roerdink D, Wilborn H, Reeves E, Scheffler J & Jamieson J

(2019) The Microbial Community Structure in Arctic Lake Sediments Reflects Variation in Holocene Climate Conditions
Møller TE, van der Bilt WGM, Roerdink D & Jørgensen SL

(2018) The Biogeochemistry of Arctic Lake Sediments: Paleoclimate Signal or Post-Depositional Cycling?
Møller TE, Leth Jørgensen S, Roerdink D & van der Bilt W

(2017) Geochemical Transition Zones are Hotspots of Nitrogen Cycling in Arctic Marine Sediments
Zhao R, Roerdink D, Thorseth I & Jørgensen S

(2017) Microbial and Geochemical Variation in Sediments along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Spreading Ridge System
leth jørgensen S, Zhao R, Roerdink D, Økland I, Baumberger T, Pedersen RB & Thorseth I

(2017) Subsurface Sulfur Cycling in Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Barite Field: Insights from Sulfate Reduction Rates
Roerdink D, Landro J-K, Jørgensen SL, Zhao R, Baumberger T, Økland I & Thorseth I

(2017) Pyrite Geochemistry as a Recorder of Early Biosphere Processes
Mason P, Roerdink D, Galic A & Whitehouse M

(2015) Sr Isotopic Insights into the Formation of Paleoarchean Barite
Roerdink D, Hamelin C, Ronen Y & Mason P

(2012) Searching for Traces of Early Life in Earth's Oldest Sulfate Deposit: The ca. 3520 Ma Londozi Barite, Swaziland
Roerdink D, Mason P, Brouwer F, Whitehouse M & Nhleko N

(2012) Si Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation in Batch-Reactor Experiments
Roerdink D, van den Boorn S, van Bergen M & Vroon P

(2011) Paleoarchean Barites Record Microbial Reduction of a Well-Mixed Marine Sulfate Reservoir
Roerdink DL, Mason PRD, Farquhar J & Reimer T

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