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All abstracts by Ane K. Engvik in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) Geochemical Variation in Granitoids Induced Through Hot Fluid Transfer
Kleinhanns I, Engvik A, Corfu F & Schoenberg R

(2015) Zircon Coronas Around Fe-Ti Oxides: A Physical Reference Frame for Metamorphic and Metasomatic Reactions
Austrheim H, Putnis CV, Engvik AK & Putnis A

(2013) Tracing Old SCLM in Pan-African Granitoids from Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica) with Sr-Nd Isotope Signatures
Kleinhanns IC, Jacobs J, Engvik AK, Bingen B, Roland NW, Laeufer A & Schoenberg R

(2013) An Apatite-Halogen Based Probe for Fluid-Rock Interaction Events
Kusebauch C, John T, Whitehouse M & Engvik A

(2012) Evidence for a Mid-Crustal Channel Flow during the Sveconorwegian Orogeny of Baltica?
Bingen B, Viola G, Yi K & Engvik AK

(2009) Metasomatic Crystallisation of Sapphirine during Mg-Enrichment of Gabbros
Engvik AK, Austrheim H & Putnis A

(2007) Intragranular Replacement of Chlorapatite by Hydroxyapatite during Scapolitisation
Engvik AK, Golla-Schindler U, Austrheim H & Putnis A

(2007) Tracing Metasomatic Reactions Using Inert Zircon Coronas Around Ilmenite
Austrheim H, Putnis CV, Engvik AK & Putnis A

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