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All abstracts by Benjamin Cancès in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Reducing Concentrations of Trace Metals in Runoff Waters from a Vineyard Catchment by Way of an Hybrid Constructed Wetland
Marin B, Caner-Chabran A, Dousset S, Conreux A, Jaunat J, Hubert J, Ponthieu M, Cances B & Morvan X

(2017) Transfer of Copper in a Wine-Growing Area: Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Stormwater Pond
Caner-Chabran A, Marin B, Dousset S, Tournebize J, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Morvan X, Jaunat J, Conreux A & Huguenot D

(2015) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter and Oxides on TE Speciation in Soil Solution: A Modeling Approach
Schneider A, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Morvan X, Gommeaux M, Marin B & Benedetti M

(2007) In situ Arsenic Speciation in Earth Surface Environments: Importance of Iron Oxides
Morin G, Juillot F, Miot J, Wang Y, Casiot C, Cancès B, Proux O, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE

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