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All abstracts by Harald Strauss in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) Diagenesis and the Fate of Carbonate Associated Sulfate
Fichtner V, Immenhauser A & Strauss H

(2015) Glendonites as Archives of Paleoenvironmental Change in the Aftermath of the PETM
Nenning F, Teichert B, Gussone N, Schultz B, Birgel D, Peckmann J & Strauß H

(2015) Why are Sedimentary Dolomites Disordered and Metastable?
Baldermann A, Deditius AP, Dietzel M, Fichtner V, Fischer C, Hippler D, Leis A, Nickel C, Mavromatis V & Strauss H

(2015) Constraining Fluid Flow Dynamics at the Northeastern Pacific Continental Margin
Strauss H, Gussone N, März C & Teichert B

(2015) Substantial Pollution of Drinking and River Water in Beijing, China: Serious Threat for Public Health and Local Ecology
Peters M, Guo Q, Strauss H & Zhu G

(2015) Temperature Controlled Trace Element Variations in Pyrite within the Skouriotissa Sulfide Deposit, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Keith M, Haase K, Klemd R, Krumm S & Strauss H

(2015) Evidence for Microbial Methane Oxidation and Sulfate Reduction at Marmara Sea Cold Seeps: A Multi-Parametric Approach
Chevalier N, Teichert B, Strauss H, Géli L & Ruffine L

(2015) Re-Os Study of Paleo-Archean Carbonaceous Siltstones
Rammensee P, Creaser RA, Montinaro A, Strauss H & Aulbach S

(2015) Geochemistry of a Palaeoarchean Shallow Shelf Environment: Unravelling Sediment Provenance, Alteration History and Redox Tracers
Mason P, Galic A, Vroon P, Strauss H, Montinaro A, Heubeck C & Drabon N

(2015) Paleoarchaean Sulfur Cycling as Revealed by Multiple Sulfur Isotopes, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Schier K, Montinaro A, Brandt M, Strauss H, Galic A, Mason P & Rammensee P

(2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes Reveal a Shift of the Chemocline in an Upper Carboniferous Ocean Basin
Siedenberg K, Strauss H & Littke R

(2014) PGE-Re in Carbonaceous Siltstone from Barberton Drill Core: Sources and Palaeo-Environment
Rammensee P, Montinaro A, Strauss H & Aulbach S

(2014) Iron and Sulfur Cycling in an Early Archean Basin: Coupling of Bulk Rock and Pyrite Isotope Data
Galić A, Stausberg N, Mason PRD, Vroon PZ, Whitehouse MJ, Strauss H & Montinaro A

(2013) Geochemical and Multiple Sulfur Isotope Study on Tap and River Water Quality in the Beijing Urban Area
Peters M, Guo Q, Strauss H & Zhu G

(2013) Peering into the Cradle of Life: Multiple Sulfur Isotopes Reveal Insights into Environmental Conditions and Early Sulfur Metabolism Some 3.5 Ga
Montinaro A, Strauss H, Mason P & Galić A

(2013) REE and Trace Element Patterns Across the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition, South China
Guo Q, Deng Y, Strauss H, Hippler D, Franz G & Zhu G

(2013) Tracing the Sources of Sulfur in Beijing Rain Water with Stable Isotopes
Zhu G, Guo Q, Strauss H & Peters M

(2012) Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Carbonate Associated Sulfate in Carboniferous Brachipods: Oceanic Sulfur Cycling and its Implications
Wu N, Farquhar J & Strauss H

(2012) The Diagenetic History of Marine Sediments as Revealed by C-S-Fe Systematics
Strauss H

(2011) High Magnitude MIF-S due to Increased Atmospheric p(O2)
Kurzweil F, Hannington M & Strauss H

(2011) Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Evidence for Multiple Origins of Late Archean and Early Paleoproterozoic Sediment-Hosted Pyrite, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais
Strauss H, Cabral AR, Cording A & Koglin N

(2011) Long Residence (> 6 Ma) Time of Paleoproterozoic Seawater Sulfate Revealed by in situ and ex situ Sulfur Isotope Measurements
Reuschel M, Whitehouse MJ, Melezhik VA, Lepland A, Fallick AE & Strauss H

(2011) A Record of Paleoproterozoic Sulfur Cycling from ~2 Ga Zaonega Formation, NW Russia
Meister D, Melezhik VA, Lepland A & Strauss H

(2011) The Lomagundi-Jatuli δ13C-Event Revisited
Illing CJ, Summons RE, Fallick AE, Melezhik VA & Strauss H

(2011) Formation of Barite Chimneys in Hydrothermal Systems
Eickmann B, Peters M, Strauss H, Thorseth IH & Pedersen RB

(2011) A Profile of Multiple Sulfur Isotopes for the Oman Ophiolite
Oeser M, Strauss H, Peters M, Wolff E, Koepke J, Garbe-Schönberg D & Dietrich M

(2011) Marine Redox Conditions and Sulfur Cycling during the Deposition of the 2.3 Ga Timeball Hill Formation
Diekrup D, Kaufman AJ, Kendall B & Strauss H

(2011) Carbonate-Associated Sulfate: A Seawater Proxy with Potential and Weaknesses
Wotte T, Strauss H & Shields G

(2010) Late Archean Oceanic Redox Fluctuations Revealed by Iron Speciation in the 2.73Ga Old Tumbiana Formation
Thomazo C, Oeser M, Strauss H & Philippot P

(2010) Sulfate Standards for in situ High Spatial Resolution SIMS Measurements
Reuschel M, Whitehouse MJ, Lepland A, Melezhik VM & Strauss H

(2010) δ34S Isotopes from Carbonate Associated Sulfate and Chromium-Reducible Sulfur from the Traditional Lower–Middle Cambrian
Wotte T, Strauss H, Fugmann A, Cording A & Rabe K

(2009) Lessons to Learn from MIF-S in Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks
Strauss H, Farquhar J & Thomazo C

(2009) Variations in Content and Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in Changjiang (Yangtz River) Water
Liu C-Q, Lang Y-C, Strauss H, Chetelat B, Wang B-L, Li S-L & Li J

(2009) Evaluating the S-Isotope Fractionation Associated with Phanerozoic Pyrite Burial
Wu N, Farquhar J, Strauss H, Kim S-T & Canfield D

(2009) S Isotope Data from the Undefined Cambrian Series 2 and Series 3 of Gondwana: Evidence for Regional Variations in the Global Sulphur Cycle and/Or Proxies for a Chemostratigraphic Correlation?
Wotte T & Strauss H

(2009) Sulfur Cycling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A Multiple Sulfur Isotope Approach
Peters M, Strauss H & Farquhar J

(2009) Raman Spectroscopic Determination of the Isotope Composition of CO2 Inclusions
Menneken M, Geisler T, Nemchin A & Strauss H

(2009) Sulphide Sulphur and Carbonate Carbon Isotopic Evolution of the Cambrian Series 2 and 3, South China
Guo Q, Strauss H, Liu C, Zhao Y, Yang X & Pen J

(2009) Spatial and Temporal Variability of δ13C<sub>carb</sub> And δ18O<sub>carb</sub> of the Voëlwater Subgroup, South Africa
Tripke C, Strauss H, Mezger K, Gutzmer J & Beukes N

(2009) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Measurements from the 2.4 Ga Old Seidorechka Formation
Reuschel M, Strauss H, Lepland A, Melezhik V, Cartigny P & Kaufman AJ

(2009) Carbon-, Sulphur- and Strontium-Isotope Trends of High- and Low-Latitude Permian Brachiopods
Korte C, Brand U, Strauss H & Veizer J

(2008) Erosion Rates on Different Timescales in River Catchments of Low Mountain Ranges
Meyer H, Hetzel R & Strauss H

(2008) Hydrothermal Fluids from 5°S, MAR: Evidence for a Different Heat Flow Regime in Slow-Spreading Crust?
Garbe-Schönberg D, Koschinsky A, Schmidt K & Strauss H

(2007) The Sulphur Isotopic Evolution of Late Neoarchean and Early Paleoproterozoic Seawater
Guo Q, Strauss H, Schröder S & Gutzmer J

(2007) Isotopic Evidence for Mid-Archean Anoxia
Farquhar J, Peters M, Johnston D, Strauss H, Masterson A, Wiechert U & Kaufman J

(2007) Multiple Sulphur Isotopes Reflecting Compositional Changes in Earth's Early Atmosphere
Strauss H, Peters M, Farquhar J, Johnston D, Wiechert U & Stögbauer A

(2007) Quantification of Sulphur Cycling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Peters M, Ockert C, Farquhar J, Masterson A & Strauss H

(2007) Rivers of North Rhine Westphalia – Revisited
Stögbauer A, Strauss H, Arndt J, Marek V, Einsiedl F & van Geldern R

(2007) Fluid Venting at a Cretaceous Seamount, Canary Archipelago
Klügel A, Hansteen T, van den Bogaard P & Strauß H

(2007) Quantification and Geochemical Characterization of Total Mass Fluxes in River Catchments of the Rhenish Massif and the Black Forest, Germany
Meyer H, Hetzel R & Strauss H

(2005) Dynamic Ocean Chemistry Around the Marinoan glaciation˜Isotopic Evidence from Cap Carbonates
Chu X, Zhang T, Strauss H, Zhang Q & Feng L

(2005) Using the Multiple Isotopes of Sulfur to Constrain Microbial Processes in the Proterozoic Ocean
Johnston D, Farquhar J, Wing B, Lyons T, Kah L, Strauss H & Canfield D

(2004) Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Marine Sulphur Cycle, Yangtze Platform (China)
Goldberg T & Strauss H

(2004) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Early Cambrian Phosphorites from Lesser Himalaya: Constraints on the Diagenetic Frame Work
Mazumdar A & Strauss H

(2004) Isotopic Evidence for Methane Seep Origin of Barite in Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates of NW Africa
Shields G, Deynoux M, Strauss H & Stille P

(2002) Evolution of Late Paloeozoic Terrestrial Environments: The Early Permian Lake Systems in the Saar-Nahe Basin, Western Germany
Müller AB, Strauss H & Littke R

(2002) Isotopic Investigation of the Sulphur and Carbon Cycles in Sedimentary Rocks from the Yangtze Platform, Southern China
Goldberg T, Guo Q-J, Liu C, Steiner M & Strauss H

(2002) The Carbon Isotopic Composition of Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Late Paleozoic: Clues to Deciphering the Landplant-Atmosphere Interaction
Peters-Kottig W, Strauss H & Kerp H

(2002) Contributions to our Understanding of the Global Sulfur Cycle: Evidence from Paleozoic Sediments
Westphal E & Strauss H

(2001) The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Phanerozoic Seawater Sulfate Based on Structurally Substituted Sulfate in Carbonates
Strauss H, Kampschulte A & Goddéris Y

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