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All abstracts by Per Persson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Kinetics of DNA Adsorption and Desorption from Goethite
Jelavić S, Quesada Sanz J, Persson P & Sand KK

(2017) Varved Sediments as Records of Past Changes in Fe Dynamics?
Björnerås C, Ojala A, Hammarlund D, Persson P, Herzog SD & Kritzberg ES

(2017) Fractionation and Competitive Adsorption of DOM Components at the Water-Goethite Interface
Tian Z, Wang T, Lyngsie G & Persson P

(2017) Metabolite-Mineral Reactions as a Source of Reactive Oxygen Species
Persson P, Krumina L, Lyngsie G & Tunlid A

(2017) Mn Coordination and Distribution in Foraminiferal Calcite Under Varying Environmental Conditions
Quintana Krupinski N, Webb S, Persson P, Seidenkrantz M-S, Toyofuku T & Filipsson H

(2017) High Stability of Riverine Iron along Salinity Gradients – The Role of Iron Speciation
Herzog S, Persson P, Conrad S, Ingri J & Kritzberg E

(2015) Natural Organic Matter Adsorption on Iron Oxides: Surface Composition as a Function of Time, pH and Concentration
Tian Z, Lyngsie G & Persson P

(2015) Desorption Mechanisms of Phosphate from Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Krumina L, Kenney J, Loring J & Persson P

(2015) Fenton Reactions in Presence of Fungal Metabolites and Iron Oxides
Lyngsie G, Krumina L & Persson P

(2015) Phosphorus Triggers CaCO3 Biomineralization by Affecting Synechoccocus Cells Surfaces
Paulo C, Kenney J, Persson P & Dittrich M

(2014) Complexation and Precipitation Reactions in the Ternary P(V)/As(V)-Fe(III)-NOM (Natural Organic Matter) Systems
Persson P, Sundman A, Karlsson T & Sjöberg S

(2013) Spectroscopically Visualising the Availability of Goethite-Sorbed Phosphate to Soil Microorganisms
Kenney J, Giesler R & Persson P

(2013) Cryo-Xps Monitoring of Cell Wall Compositional Changes for Bacillus subtilis as a Function of pH and Zn2+ Exposure
Ramstedt M, Leone L, Shchukarev A & Persson P

(2013) Interactions between As(V), Fe(III) and Natural Organic Matter
Sundman A, Karlsson T & Persson P

(2013) Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter at the Water/Gibbsite Interface
Andersson K, Kenney J, Persson P & Karlsson T

(2013) Molecular Properties of Anion-Mineral Surface Complexes Probed with Infrared Desorption and Temperature-Excursion Experiments
Persson P

(2012) EXAFS Studies of Fe Speciation in Natural Stream Waters
Sundman A, Karlsson T & Persson P

(2012) The Effect of Extracellular Polysaccharides on the Mobility of Phosphates Bound to Iron Oxides
Kenney J & Persson P

(2012) Spectroscopic Study of Aluminum and Gallium Complexation by Aquatic Organic Matter
Andersson K, Persson P & Karlsson T

(2011) Molecular-Level Studies of Fe(III) in Aquatic Systems
Karlsson T, Persson P & Skyllberg U

(2011) Adsorption of Organophosphorous Compounds on Well-Characterized Iron Mineral Nanoparticles
Mäkie P, Persson P & Österlund L

(2011) Enzymatic and Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose Phosphate Adsorbed on Goethite
Olsson R, Giesler R, Loring JS & Persson P

(2011) Comparing the Surface-Promoted Hydrolysis of Phosphate Mono- and Diesters on Goethite
Kenney J & Persson P

(2011) Spectroscopic Characterization of U(IV)-Biomass Complexes
Alessi D, Lezama-Pacheco J, Stubbs J, Janousch M, Persson P, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R

(2010) Hydrolysis of Desferrioxamine-B at the Surface of Goethite in the Dark at pH 6
Simanova AA, Persson P & Loring JS

(2009) Coordination Chemistry of Carboxylic Acids at the Water-Mineral Interface
Persson P

(2009) Speciation of Fe(III) in Natural Organic Matter (NOM) Studied by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Karlsson T & Persson P

(2009) Enzymatic and Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose-1-Phosphate Adsorbed on Goethite: Kinetics and Molecular Mechanisms
Olsson R, Giesler R & Persson P

(2009) Time-resolved Oxalate Speciation at the Surface of Gibbsite (α-Al(OH)3) Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Hellström A, Loring JS & Persson P

(2009) Proton and Ligand Promoted Dissolution of Apatites
Bengtsson Å, Persson P, Shchukarev A & Sjöberg S

(2009) Macroscopic and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of the Dissolution of Goethite in the Presence of Desferrioxamine-B
Simanova A, Persson P & Loring J

(2009) Competitive Adsorption between Phosphate and Carboxylic Acids: Quantitative Effects and Molecular Mechanisms
Lindegren M & Persson P

(2008) Arsenate Forms Monodenate Complexes at the Surface of Goethite
Loring J, SandStröm M, Norén K & Persson P

(2007) Modeling Glyphosate and Metal-Glyphosate Speciation at Solution-Mineral Interfaces
Jonsson C, Loring J, Persson P & Sjöberg S

(2007) EXAFS and XPS Study of Arsenate Adsorption on Manganite (p-Mnooh) Surfaces
Banerjee D, Nelson H & Persson P

(2007) Macroscopic and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of the Synergistic Effect between Small Organic Ligands and desferrioxamine-B on the Dissolution of Goethite
Simanova A, Persson P & Loring J

(2007) Surface Complexation and Proton Promoted Dissolution in Aqueous Apatite Systems
Bengtsson A, Persson P, Shchukarev A & Sjöberg S

(2007) Abiotic Hydrolysis of Glucose-1-Phosphate Adsorbed at the Water-Goethite Interface
Olsson R, Giesler R & Persson P

(2007) Competitive Adsorption between Tricarboxylic Acids and Phosphate
Lindegren M, Tingström D & Persson P

(2007) Molecular Scale Study of the Synergism between Oxalate and desferrioxamine-B on Goethite Dissolution
Loring J, Simanova A & Persson P

(2005) A Comparative Study of the Dissolution of Hydroxyapatite and Fluorapatite in the Absence and Presence of Organic Ligands
Bengtsson Å, Lövgren L, Sjöberg S & Persson P

(2005) Citrate Adsorption at the Water-Goethite Interface: A Spectroscopic Evaluation of Surface Complexes
Lindegren M, Loring J, Redden G & Persson P

(2004) Combined Infrared and Potentiometric Titrations of Mineral Suspensions
Loring J, Sjöberg S & Persson P

(2004) A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study of Fluorapatite Dissolution
Bengtsson Å, Persson P, Shchukarev A, Boström D & Lövgren L

(2004) Competitive Adsorption of Phosphate and Organic Acids: A Quantitative and Spectroscopic Approach
Kaski M, Loring J & Persson P

(2004) Adsorption of Acetate and Benzoate to the Goethite Surface
Zivkovic K & Persson P

(2004) Metal-Glyphosate Complexation in Solution and at the Goethitesolution Interface
Norgren C, Lützenkirchen J, Persson P & Sjöberg S

(2000) Surface Complexes: Copper (II) and Glyphosate on Boehmite and Goethite Surfaces
Sheals J, Persson P & Hedman B

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