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All abstracts by André Pellerin in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Tracking Holocene Paleoenvironmental Conditions in the Beaufort Sea and their Relation to Sea Ice Variability
Santos MC, Hernández-Almeida I, Lattaud J, O’Regan M, Bosse-Demers T, Fritz M, Juhls B, Overduin P, Pellerin A, Priest T, Rudback D, Whalen D & Bröder L

(2019) Glacial Influence on the Iron and Sulfur Cycles in Arctic Fjord Sediments (Svalbard)
Michaud AB, Laufer K, Findlay A, Pellerin A, Antler G, Turchyn AV, Røy H, Wehrmann LM & Jørgensen BB

(2019) The Temperature Relation of Enzyme Catalysis and Product Removal Determine Metabolic Rates in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Scholze C, Turchyn A, Røy H & Pellerin A

(2019) Cryptic Sulfur and Methane Cycling in Marine Sediments
Jørgensen BB, Beulig F, Findlay A, McGlynn SE, Pellerin A & Røy H

(2018) Bioturbation Increases the Preserved Sulfur Isotope Fractionation of Pyrite
Antler G, Turchyn AV, Pellerin A & Butterfield NJ

(2018) The Sulfur Cycle Below the Sulfate-Methane Transition of Marine Sediments
Pellerin A, Antler G, Røy H, Findlay A, Beulig F, Turchyn A & Jørgensen BB

(2014) Extreme Environmental Changes Accompanying the Marinoan Deglaciation: Multiple O and S Isotope Evidence from NW Canada
Crockford PW, Cowie BR, Bui TH, Pellerin A, Sugiyama I, Hayles J, Hoffman PF, Macdonald FA, Halverson GP, Johnston DT & Wing BA

(2014) Isotopic Memory of the Life History of Sulfate-Respiring Microbes
Pellerin A, Wing B & Halevy I

(2013) Experimental Evolution of Dissimilatory S Isotope Fractionation
Pellerin A, Mykyczuk N, Austin R, Zane G, Whyte L, Wall J & Wing B

(2013) Deconstructing the Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction Pathway: Isotope Fractionation of a Mutant Unable to Grow on Sulfate
Bertran E, Leavitt W, Pellerin A, Zane G, Wall J, Johnston D & Wing B

(2012) Evolutionary Response of S Isotope Fractionation by Sulfate Reducing Microorganisms
Pellerin A, Mykytczuk N, Zane GM, Whyte L, Wall J & Wing B

(2011) Fe-Poor and Sulfide-Rich: Mangrove Lake as a Precambrian Analogue?
Pellerin A, Wing B, Bui TH, Rough M, Mucci A & Canfield DE

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