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All abstracts by Xiaodong Liu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Coupling of Climate and Seabird Activity Significantly Affected Soil Development in Antarctica
Zheng Z, Liu C, Xue Y, Ju P, Hao J & Liu X

(2020) Characteristics and Implications of Podiform-Chromite Hosted Silicate Inclusions in the Zedang Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Guo G, Mao WL, Zhang RY, Liou JG, Ernst WG, Liu X, Zhang Y & Wu B

(2018) Reconstruction of Eco-Environmental Change on Qilian Yu Islands, South China Sea over the Past 800 Years
Liu X, Wu L, Wang X & Xu L

(2017) Nitrogen Cycling in the Soil-Plant Systems along a Series of Coral Islands Affected by Seabirds in the South China Sea
Wu L, Liu X, Fang Y, Fu P & Xu L

(2017) Sedimentary δ13Corg and Pigments in Coastal Ponds of Ross Sea, East Antarctica and their Paleoenvironmental Implication
Liu X, Chen Q, Wei Y, Jin J & Nie Y

(2016) Survey on Clay Formations as the Host Rock for Geological Disposal Repository of HLW
Liu S, Liu X & Huang M

(2015) Change of Nitrogen Isotope in Ancient Guano Profiles in Xisha Islands of South China Sea and Possible Cause
Liu X, Ai X, Wu L & Xu L

(2014) Analysis of Arsenic Speciation in Ornithogenic Sediments
Liu X, Lou C & Liu W

(2010) Performance Assessment for Beishan HLW Repository Site Based on the Preliminary FEP Analysis
Liu S, Wang J, Liu X & Chen W

(2009) The Characteristics of the Selenium-Bearing Minerals in the Tamusu Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Pan J, Liu X, Xia F & Guo G

(2007) Using Reflectance Spectroscopy for the Reconstruction of Penguin Palaeoecological Process in Antarctic Ornithogenic Sediments
Sun J, Liu X, Sun L & Liu W

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