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All abstracts by Rodrigo Sebastian Iglesias in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Faster Orthopyroxene Versus Olivine Serpentinization Rates during Experimental Peridotite Hydration at 230℃ and 13.4/20.7 MPa: Pressure Effects on Spinel Dissolution and Reaction Kinetics
de Melo Portella Y, Vieira Conceicao R, Siqueira TDA, Gomes LB & Iglesias RS

(2019) Progressive Silica Depletion during Experimental Serpentinization of Peridotite Mantle Xenoliths
Portella YM, Conceição RV, Siqueira TA, Cedeño DG & Iglesias RS

(2010) Experimental and Numerical Modeling of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions Aimed for Geological Storage in the Denver Basin
Iglesias R, Ketzer M, Sbrissa G, Maraschin A, Bressan L & Steel R

(2008) Experimental and Modeling Studies of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions in the Rio Bonito Saline Aquifer, Paraná Basin, Brazil
Iglesias RS, Ketzer JM, Einloft S, Dullius J, Ligabue R, Lima V & Silva D

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