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All abstracts by Tobias Goldhammer in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Vivianite Formation and Geochemical Focusing of Manganese and Iron in Lake Arendsee (NE-Germany)
Scholtysik G, Dellwig O, Arz HW, Goldhammer T & Hupfer M

(2015) Extensive Nitrogen Loss from Permeable Sediments off NW Africa
Sokoll S, Lavik G, Sommer S, Goldhammer T, Kuypers M & Holtappels M

(2014) Massive Production of Dissolved Organic Nitrogenous Compounds from the Guaymas Basin Sediment at Elevated Temperature
Lin Y-S, Koch BP, Goldhammer T, Witt M, Zabel M & Hinrichs K-U

(2014) Intact Polar Lipids in the Black Sea and its Sediments: Microbial Life Above and Below the Seafloor
Schröder J, Lipp J, Lazar C, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U

(2014) Impact of Biogeochemical Zonation and Depositional Setting on Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Sediment Pore Waters
Schmidt F, Koch B, Goldhammer T, Zabel M, Buttigieg PL, Ramette A, Elvert M, Witt M, Lazar C, Könneke M, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U

(2013) Intact Polar Lipids and Diagenetic Processes in Sub-Seafloor Sediments in the Black Sea
Schröder J, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M & Hinrichs K-U

(2013) Apparent Inverse Carbon Isotope Effects during the Anerobic Oxidation of Methane
Yoshinaga M, Wegener G, Holler T, Goldhammer T, Brunner B, Pohlman J, Kuypers M, Hinrichs K-U & Elvert M

(2009) Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes and Microbial Activity in the Marine Subsurface
Goldhammer T, Brunner B, Ferdelman T & Zabel M

(2009) Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria Mediate Apatite Formation in Phosphorite-Bearing Sediments of the Namibian Upwelling System – Evidence from 33P-Labeling Experiments
Brüchert V, Goldhammer T, Ferdelman T & Zabel M

(2009) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction: Why is the Oxygen Isotope Equilibrium Value Where it is?
Brunner B, Goldhammer T, Templer S & Bernasconi S

(2007) Tracking Microbial Life in the Marine Subsurface
Goldhammer T & Zabel M

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