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All abstracts by Frerk Pöppelmeier in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Carbon Cycle Implications of a Dynamic, Climate-Sensitive Biological Pump
Adloff M, Dinauer A, Laufkötter C, Pöppelmeier F, Jeltsch-Thömmes A & Joos F

(2023) Holocene Variability of the AMOC as Derived from 231Pa/230Th
Lippold J, Ehnis M, Süfke F, Tautenhahn S, Valk O, Blaser P, Pöppelmeier F & Regelous M

(2023) Multi-Proxy Constraints on Atlantic Circulation Dynamics Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Pöppelmeier F, Jeltsch-Thömmes A, Lippold J, Joos F & Stocker TF

(2022) Simulating Neodymium Isotopes in a General Circulation Model (FAMOUS): Exploring the Role of Non-Conservative Particle-Seawater Interactions in Governing Marine Distributions
Robinson S, Ivanovic R, Gregoire L, Tindall J, van de Flierdt T, Plancherel Y, Pöppelmeier F, Tachikawa K & Valdes P

(2021) Modeling the Marine Chromium Cycle with an EMIC: Constraining Global-Scale Processes
Pöppelmeier F, Janssen D, Jaccard S & Stocker TF

(2021) Differences in Water Mass Geometry in the Atlantic Ocean during the Holocene and the Last Interglacial Period
Gottschalk J, Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Gutjahr M, Hines SKV, Skinner LC, Waelbroeck C & Lippold J

(2018) Changes of Deep Water Mass Provenance during the Last 30, 000 Years: A Comparison between the Eastern and Western Atlantic Basins
Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Gutjahr M, Süfke F, Grützner J, Frank N & Lippold J

(2018) Deglacial Deep Water Export and Nd Isotope Changes in the Nordic Seas
Blaser P, Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Link JM, Pöppelmeier F, Frank M & Frank N

(2018) 231Pa/230Th Profiles in a Depth Transect on the Blake Ridge over the Last 30 ka
Süfke F, Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Lippold J, Goepfert T, Gutjahr M & Grützner J

(2017) Multiproxy Evidence from Bermuda Rise for Holocene AMOC Stability
Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Jaccard S, Friedrich O, Süfke F, Link J, Wacker L & Goepfert T

(2017) Changes in North Atlantic Deep Water Provenance Across Glacial Terminations during the Past One Million Years
Link JM, Blaser P, Gutjahr M, Pöppelmeier F, Lippold J, Osborne A, Frank M, Böhm E, Friedrich O & Frank N

(2017) Deglacial Deep Water Circulation and End Member Nd Isotope Changes in the Subpolar North Atlantic
Blaser P, Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Link JM, Pöppelmeier F, Frank M & Frank N

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