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All abstracts by Igor S Puchtel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Search for a Meteoritic Component in Impact Breccias of the Jeokjung-Chogye Structure, South Korea
Choi SH, Lee J-H, Kim S-S, Yu J & Puchtel IS

(2023) Cadmium Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle Derived from Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts and Komatiites
Devos G, Moynier F, Creech J, Liu D, Luu T-H, Rigoussen D, Puchtel IS & Bizzarro M

(2022) Elevated and Heterogeneous Oxygen Fugacity in Global Hotspot Lavas
Willhite LN, Arevalo R, Piccoli PM, Rand DS, Locmelis M, Nicklas RW, Jackson MG, Day JMD, Lassiter JC, Ireland T, Puchtel IS & Finlayson V

(2022) Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes in Global Basalts Through Time and the Evolution of Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O

(2022) Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions from ~260 Ma Song Da Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence of Component Mixing and Water Excess in their Parental Melt
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Gurenko A, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE, Batanova VG & Danyushevsky L

(2021) Global Chemical and Isotope Heterogeneity in the Early Earth's Mantle Revealed by Pilbara Komatiites and Basalts
Puchtel IS, Horan MF, Walker RJ, Nisbet E & Locmelis M

(2021) The Iron Isotope Compositions of Komatiites: Insights into the Early Earth Differentiation Processes
Landon-Browne A, Soderman CR, Puchtel IS, Freymuth H, Matthews S & Williams HM

(2021) Melt Inclusions from Permian-Triassic Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence for a Deep Hydrous Mantle Reservoir
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Gurenko AA, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE & Batanova VG

(2021) Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Constraints on Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity: Past, Present and Future
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Rizo H, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O

(2021) The Zirconium Isotope Composition of the Mantle and Upper Continental Crust Through Time
Tian S, Moynier F, Inglis E, Rudnick RL, Huang F, Chauvel C, Gaschnig RM, Creech J & Puchtel IS

(2018) Early Earth Signatures Recorded in the Source of Large Igneous Provinces
Rizo H, Poirier A, Puchtel IS, Vlastelic I, Moine B, Forte A, Neal C & Simonetti A

(2017) Fragments of Paleoproterozoic LIPs in the Eastern Fennoscandia: Implications for the Life Span of the Lapland-Kola Ocean
Stepanova A, Samsonov A, Salnikova E, Arzamastsev A, Puchtel I, Kepezhinskas P, Egorova S, Larionova Y & Erofeeva K

(2017) The Iron Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Williams H, Rizo H & Puchtel I

(2017) Oxidation State of the Mantle Inferred from 89 Ma Komatiites
Nicklas R & Puchtel I

(2017) The Iron Isotope Compositions of Barberton Komatiites: Insights into Early Earth Differentiation Processes
Williams H, Puchtel I, Rizo H & Boyet M

(2017) Mixing Times of the Archean Mantle: Evidence from 2.7 Ga Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M, Blichert-Toft J & Walker R

(2017) Nb/U in Komatiites: Perspective on Archean Crustal Volume
Hofmann A & Puchtel I

(2017) W Isotopic Compositions of Barberton and Pilbara Komatiites and Basalts
Archer GJ, Kleine T, Stracke A, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ

(2017) The Origin and Survival of Mantle Heterogeneities in Early Earth Unveiled by Komatiites
Blichert-Toft J & Puchtel I

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