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All abstracts by Gretchen L Früh-Green in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Tracking the Fate of Carbon in Serpentinite-Hosted Systems
Lang S, Schwarzenbach E & Früh-Green G

(2013) Serpentinization, Metasomatism and Carbonate Precipitation in Jurassic Mafic and Ultramafic Sea-Floor
Vogel M, Früh-Green GL, Boschi C & Schwarzenbach EM

(2013) Biogeography of Serpentinite-Hosted Ecosystems
Brazelton W, Cardace D, Fruh-Green G, Lang S, Lilley M, Morrill P, Twing K & Schrenk M

(2011) The Ligurian Ophiolite: An Analogue to Marine Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems
Schwarzenbach E, Früh-Green G & Bernasconi S

(2011) Microbial Utilization of the Products of Serpentinization at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Lang S, Fruh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Butterfield D, Lilley M, Proskurowski G & Mehay S

(2010) Archaeal Communities of the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Mehay S, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Schaeffer P, Adam P & Brazelton W

(2010) Present-Day Serpentinization and Microbial Activity in Peridotites Hosting High-Ph Spring Waters, Gruppo di Voltri (Italy)
Schwarzenbach E, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Méhay S & Lilley M

(2009) S-Cycling and Sulfurization Processes at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Méhay S, Früh-Green G & Bernasconi S

(2009) Sulfur and Carbon Geochemistry of Carbonate-Veined Serpentinites from Liguria: A Comparison to the Iberian Margin and Lost City
Schwarzenbach EM, Früh-Green GL & Bernasconi SM

(2009) Geochemistry of Rift Valley Sediments and Hydrothermal Fluids at the Ultra-Slow Spreading S. Knipovich Ridge
Baumberger T, Früh-Green GL, Pedersen RB, Thorseth IH, Lilley MD & Bernasconi SM

(2009) Discovery of the Loki’s Castle Vent Field at the Ultra-Slow Spreading Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
Pedersen RB, Thorseth IH, Lilley MD, Früh-Green GL, Barriga F, Rapp HT, Baumberger T, Flesland K & Joergensen SL

(2008) Boron Isotope Systematic of Marine Hydrothermal Fluids: New Insights from the Lost City Hydrothermal System (MAR 30°N)
Boschi C, Dini A, Früh-Green GL, Zandomeneghi G, Kelley DS & Meier BH

(2008) The Abiotic Production of Hydrocarbons at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
Proskurowski G, Lilley M, Seewald J, Früh-Green G, Olson E, Lupton J, Sylva S & Kelley DS

(2008) Carbon in Ancient Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: The Northern Apennine Ophiolites (Italy) and the Iberian Margin
Schwarzenbach E, Früh-Green G, Bernasconi S, Plas A & Delacour A

(2007) Building Lost City: Serpentinization, Mass Transfer and Life in a Peridotite-Hosted Hydrothermal System
Früh-Green G, Delacour A, Boschi C, Bernasconi S, Butterfield D, Kelley D & Proskurowski G

(2002) Serpentinization and Carbonate Precipitation at the Lost City Vent Field (30N, MAR)
Boschi C, Frueh-Green GL & Kelley DS

(2001) Magmatic and Hydrothermal Abiogenic Methane (±H2±hydrocarbon) Production in the Oceanic Crust
Kelley DS & Früh-Green GL

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