All abstracts by Mauro Martelli in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Real-Time Measurements of Concentration and Isotope Composition of Atmospheric and Volcanic CO2 at Mt. Etna (Italy)Jost H, Rizzo A, Caracausi A, Paonita A, Liotta M & Martelli M
(2013) Helium Isotopes Signature of Mafic Volcanics at Stromboli (Italy) during its Magmatic Evolution
Martelli M, Rizzo A, Renzulli A, Ridolfi F, Arienzo I & Rosciglione A
(2013) Sulfur and Chlorine Isotopes in Volcanic Products at Mt. Etna, Italy
Liotta M, Rizzo AL, Paonita A, Barnes JD, Caracausi A, Corsaro R & Martelli M
(2013) Magma Dynamics at Mount Etna (Italy) Inferred from Geochemistry of Gas Emissions
Caracausi A, Martelli M, Paonita A & Rizzo AL
(2013) A Two-Component Mantle Below Mt Etna Volcano: Evidences from Noble Gas and Trace Element Geochemistry of Primitive Products
Correale A, Paonita A, Martelli M, Rizzo A, Rotolo S, Corsaro RA & Di Renzo V
(2009) Methane Fluxes from the Soils in Active Volcanic Areas: The Case of Pantelleria Island (Italy)
D'Alessandro W, Bellomo S, Brusca L, Longo M, Martelli M & Pecoraino G
(2009) Geochemical Fluxes Associated to the Betic Subduction (Spain): Helium Isotopic Analyses of Mantle Xenoliths
Martelli M, Bianchini G & Beccaluva L
(2004) Source of Radiogenic He in the Mantle Wedge: Constraints from Italian Plio-Quaternary Volcanism
Martelli M, Di liberto V, Ellam R, Nuccio P & Stuart F
(2004) He-Sr Isotope Constraints on the Mantle beneath the Monte Vulture Volcano, Southern Italy
Paternoster M, Martelli M, Stuart F & Nuccio M