An International Conference for Geochemistry

organised by
the European Association for Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society

The conference will cover a broad spectrum, with the following symposia planned:

Terrestrial Planets and Meteorites Prof. Alex Halliday & Dr. Ed Young
Chemistry and Dynamics of the Earth Prof. Bernie Wood & Dr. George Helffrich
Subduction Zone Processes Dr. Jon Blundy, Prof. Chris Hawkesworth & Prof. Dave Rubie
Rapid Climate Change (Continents/Oceans) Dr. Edouard Bard & Dr. Frank McDermott
Biological Geochemistry Prof. Derek Lovely, Prof. Rob Raiswell & Dr. Matthew Collins
Ocean Circulation: Past and Present Prof. Bill Jenkins & Dr. Gideon Henderson
Flow and Reaction of Fluids in Crust Dr. Marion Holness & Prof. Terry Seward
Weathering and Erosion: Mechanisms and Rate Dr. Mike Bickle, Dr. Niels Hovius & Prof. Mike Summerfield
Mineral Surfaces and Reactions Dr. Vala Ragnarsdottir & Prof. Andrew Putnis
Mantle Dynamics and Melting Dr. Eric Hauri & Dr. Tim Elliott
Life in Extreme Environments Prof. Mike Russell & Dr. Everett Shock
Computational Geochemistry Dr. Keith Refson & Dr. John Brodholt
Chemistry and Microbiology of Pollution Dr. Adrian Bath & Dr. Barbara Sherwood-Lollar


The Geochemical Society
European Association of Geochemistry
The University of Oxford

Organising Committee

Max Coleman
Chris Hawkesworth
Paul Henderson
Keith O'Nions
Register Now

In order to ensure that you receive the first circular, register
your interest now by email to:

with the phrase 'Registration of Interest' as the subject line.

The latest information relating to this conference will be made available via this web site

Goldschmidt 2000 will be held in Oxford from September 3–8, 2000. The conference is being managed for the organising committee by Cambridge Publications. In order to go on the mailing list, please e-mail us before January 1st 2000, with the phrase 'Registration of Interest' as the subject line, or write to: Goldschmidt 2000, c/o Cambridge Publications, PO Box 27, Cambridge, CB1 8TR, U.K. We will then ensure that you receive the first and subsequent circulars. For further information please e-mail us or contact us at the above address. You may also contact us by 'phone or fax on 44 (1223) 333438.

The University of Oxford is Britain's oldest and is the historic heart of a diverse and ancient city. From the founding of the first Colleges in the thirteenth century, Oxford established itself as a centre of academic excellence. Delegates to Goldschmidt 2000 will be accommodated in Christchurch, Keble and St. Hugh's Colleges. Oxford is set in the beautiful Cotswold countryside, is less than an hour from London's Heathrow Airport, and is extremely well served by motorways and rail.

May 15, 2000Abstract deadline
July 30, 2000Final announcement
September 3-8, 2000Goldschmidt 2000

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